.:A Devil's Baker:.(Hikaru Hitachiin Love Story) {OHSHC} [7]

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Chapter 7

"Yes!" She shouted, pointing an index finger at him. "You're a phony! I can't believe that you are the prince figure in this club! The prince character doesn't go spreading his love around so readily! How can you be so stupid!? It's almost like you're a dim-witted narcissist!"

Seiki snorted at this and grinned. She's been in the Host Club long enough to know that the girl hit the nail right on the head. Seiki watched as Tamaki's body jerked in pain in every which way like he was being hit with arrows with the words "Stupid" and "Narcissist" printed on them. 

"Incompetent! Mediocre! The pits!" She continued. And with every word she shouted at Tamaki, his body was shot at with the arrows that had those words on them. She imagined each and everyone hitting him. Finally, she imagined Tamaki being struck with lightening with the last word, since that's what it looked like to her, and he fell backwards rather slowly and dramatically.

"Oh! It's a new technique!" Hikaru stated, astonished.

"One-man slow motion!" Kaoru said after, also astonished.

"Fascinating..." Seiki said bluntly, not really caring.

"By any chance, are you..." Kyouya trailed off.

The girl saw him and her eyes went watery. "Kyouya-sama!" She said as she ran to him, one of her arms outstretched to him. Then she jumped on Tamaki's back and wrapped her arms around Kyouya. "I've wanted to meet you. My own prince."

Seiki whistled as everyone gawked in surprise at what they were seeing. Her, on the other hand, was a bit intrigued on what just happened.

And then she said, "Well, that's unexpected."


"So you're his fiancee." Seiki said.

"Fiancee?" Hikaru questioned.

"Kyouya-senpai's?" Kaoru also questioned.

After escorting the girls out of the club and closing, Hikaru, Koaru and her decided to ask who she was. After everyone changed of course.

"Yes. My name is Hoshakuji Renge." She said with a nod of her head and her hands folded neatly on her lap. "I will be transferring into 1st year, class A tomorrow."

Seiki suddenly felt a depressed atmosphere in the room. She turned her head in the direction of where she thought it was coming from and, lo and behold, there was Tamaki sulking towards a wall.

"Look, he's mad." The twins said in unison, looking at him along with the rest of the club members. "Because Mommy was hiding something from Daddy."

"Who's Mommy?" Seiki looked at them with a raised brow.

They said, without taking their eyes off Tamaki, "Kyouya-senpai."

"Oh." Her mouth formed into an 'O' shape as she moved her sight back to Tamaki.

"Whatever. Are you two trying to make this married couple thing stick?" Kyouya questioned, a bit of annoyance in his voice. Seiki thought it could stick. She actually liked the idea of calling Tamaki and Kyouya "Daddy" and "Mommy", thinking it would be fun nicknames for them.

Then Renge popped in with her hands cupping her face as she swayed side to side with a smile on her face, explaining, "It is indeed love at first sight. The way you were adoring those flowers by yourself in the back courtyard, even when no one else was looking... And the way you kindly reached out to that injured little kitty."

"Who are we talking about?" The twins asked together.

"Could you have the wrong person?" Haruhi asked, a smile on her face.

.:A Devil's Baker:.(Hikaru Hitachiin Love Story) {OHSHC} (HIATUS)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя