Chapter One

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A/N- Before you begin we'd just like to say I think this is going to be a short story, but we will update regularly. Comments and votes are greatly appreciated as it helps motivate us xD
And thank you for taking the time to read our story, without a reader to bring writing to life a book is just pages full of words :)
Also we don't mean to offend any religious folks, remember this is just a story xx
~Logan and Rhiannon

"You know nothing of love or kindness!"

"You're wrong" the boy stated simply, showing no reaction to his mothers' words on his blank, expressionless face. His green eyes kept staring at his bare feet, his black hair covering his face. He was sat cross legged on the floor, listening to his mother shout at him but not actually hearing. He was thinking about other things, dark things. Things a thirteen year old shouldn't even be capable of thinking. Like how he wanted to kill his mother right now, just to shut her up.

"You know only of selfishness, arrogance and greed. You're no son of mine. The little boy I knew wouldn't think thoughts like you do, wouldn't say the things that you say! You've been corrupted, touched by the devil's hand"

The boy flinched, but didn't say a word. He hated his mother. She always got in the way. He believes this world needs cleansing, that it's a disgusting place full of disgusting people. Mother tells him he shouldn't think such thoughts at his 'tender' age. She tells him the darkness will come and take him away. But what she doesn't know is that is exactly what the boy wants. What he craves more than anything without truly knowing why.

"You're father would be appalled! If he was home to hear you say such words, young man!"

"I'm not a 'young man' anymore! All I said was that some people are rotten to the core and can't be saved, and that Lucifer would actually be the good guy if he's the one punishing the bad people! Everyone's judgment is so clouded I-" to his annoyance, his mother cut him off.

"Do not use that name in my house! If your father-" the boy raised his hand, cutting her off. After all, she'd done it to him.

The boy got to his feet, looked his mother dead in the eyes and said;

"He's not my father"

His mother took a step back. "Nixon! Of course he is. What are you talking about?"

The boy, Nixon, looked her in the eyes and smiled. "He's not my father, like I said."

Then his expression turned dark. "You do realise that all the things you tried to hide from me, all the things you didn't want me to find out, I discovered on my own. Like the fact you were married twice, mother"

The woman took a step back, shock evident on her face.

"How did you..."

Nixon stepped towards her. "Find out? Well, mother, I did some searching through old documents when I discovered medical records and newspaper clippings. Let's just say I was surprised to find out you were twenty eight when you had me and were married to someone called Luke Pavlos. Then you got remarried at 30 to David Ambourgh, which means it is impossible for him to be the father. Why did you lie to me?"

"I'm sorry Nixon I-" she stuttered, moving to take a step back.

The boy grabbed her arm and forced her to stay where she was. He'd always been exceptionally strong for his age. "Let me say it one more time. Why. Did. You. Lie?"

"I wanted to protect you! I wanted you to have a father, somebody to look up to! Please, Nixon, don't be like this!"

Nixon looked at the pathetic excuse for a woman before him and spat at the floor.

"You're one of the worthless humans that are rotten to the core. You don't love me. I bet you don't even know the meaning of the word. No, you don't love me..." He paused, calculating his mother's expression before continuing.

"You're scared of me. You don't want to protect me, or give me a father figure to look up to. You were scared of me, so you kept me in the dark. But I don't understand, why lie about who my father was? There has to be a father. Who is my father? Is it that Luke guy, or did you have another affair?"

"That's not true! And I promise you, I have no idea who your father is" his mother lied. Of course she knew who his father was. How could she forget that despicable man?

"You know mother, I've always hated you. How you try to protect me like I'm still your little angel or something. You're the one who knows nothing of love or kindness!" He kept talking but his mother wasn't focusing on his words. She was focusing on the spiral of intersecting black lines growing on his hand, working there way up his arm.

Seeing the look of horror on his mothers face, Nixon followed her gaze. His eyes widened in shock and his face grew scared.

"Wha... What's happening to me!" He asked, his voice shaky with panic. He looked at his mother, who noticed that his left eye had turned a slight but noticeably darker green.

"Oh my god. It can't be..." She trailed off, shuffling away from her son.

Forgetting his previous words of hatred towards his mother, Nixon pleaded. "Please... Help me! What's happening? Please mum!" He began to sob softly.

Something within her snapped when she heard him calling her mum instead of mother for the first time is years. Tears welled up in her eyes and rolled down her cheeks. It pained her to see her son like this.

She ran forward and threw her arms around him. He shrieked when she touched his bare skin, and she quickly recoiled in surprise.

"Mum, it hurts. Why does it hurt?" More tears cascaded down his cheeks, staining them an angry red.

"Nixon..." She murmured, with no idea what was happening. She'd always been able to comfort him before...

All she could do was watch as her son writhed in agony on the floor, unable to do anything to help him.

It felt like her son was slowly being pulled away from her, little by little. But it had felt like this for years. It just felt like the process was being finished, that she was losing him for good.

Gazing with pained eyes at her son, she walked away.

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