Chapter 18.

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Hayley's POV

I got home and got out of my car walked into my house to see Josh with Cassidy in his arm both sleeping, i smiled and put my keys back on the table and walked up stairs to the bathroom, i took out the hair dye and put it thought my hair and waited for it to set, after a few minutes i jumped in the shower turning the cold and hot water on to make it warm and washed the dye out, i got out and dyed my hair and brushed it and straightened it and looked at myself in the mirror, it look really good again, it was so bright and back to life, i smiled and walked back stairs, and walked into the kitchen and made lunch before Cassidy wakes up to be fed again.

*A Few Weeks Later*

Me and Josh were getting married next week and i still hadn't picked a dress yet so my mum and Mrs Farro were taking me dress shopping today, i woke up to Cassidy crying it was 7am, i got out of bed and walked down the hall to Cassidy's room and picked her up out of her cot "shhhh its ok baby' i said to her i changed her nappy and walked down stairs with her while she was still crying and made a bottle up for her and sat on the lounge and fed her, suprisingly Josh hadn;t woken up, he normally wakes up if Cassidy is crying to help me out but i guess he had a big night out with Taylor, Jeremy and Zac since they went and bowling and had a dudes night out.

Once Cassidy finished her bottle i sat her in the bounce and turned the tv on to entertain her for a bit while i made breakfast for me and Josh. 9am came and Josh was up in the lounge room playing with Cassidy, so i decided to run up stairs and started getting dressed before mum and Mrs Farro came around to pick me and Cassidy up since Josh had to go over to Jeremy's to work out our next tour that was coming up after me and Josh get married.

I opened my cardboard and pulled out yet again another pair of skinny jeans and a shirt and slipped in some vans and pulled my hair into a pony tail and went back down stairs to get Cassidy so i can dress her "sorry dear i have to steal your daughter for a few minutes" i said to Josh "awww i playing with" Josh said giving me puppy dog eyes "i have to get her dressed my mum and your mum will be here soon, you play again once shes dressed" i said with a laugh and picked Cassidy up and walked up stairs with her and dressed her in a dress because the weather was starting to warm up again, once she was ready, the door bell rung and i walked down with Cassidy in my arms and Josh got the door "hey mum" i said to my mum and hugged her "hey Sarah"i sad to Josh's mum "its good see you guys, i haven't seen you in a while" Sarah said "i know we've been so busy planning the wedding and looking after Cassidy we haven't had anytime to come over and see everyone" i said "well we better get going" mum said to us "yep let go find me a dress!" i said "bye Josh we'll be back later, text me whats happening about the tour and stuff" i said and kissed him "i will hayles bye, love you" Josh said "love you too" i said and walked out the door with Cassidy following my mum and Sarah to the car.

After a few hours of no lucky find the perfect dress, i finally found one it was white corset dress with a bit of pink in it, it wasn't too long and it was just beautiful, i walked out of the dressing out to mum and Sarah they both gasped "wow Hayles you look beautiful with that dress on" mum said "i think i want this dress" i said they both nodded there heads and so we brought it.

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