Chapter 4.

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Josh’s POV

I took Hayley’s phone from her as she broke down crying again, i read the message, it wasn’t as bad as i thought it would be but i guess Hayley really did love Chad. So after Hayley finished crying and she was asleep with her head in my lap, she looked so beautiful while she was sleeping peacefully.

It was now 7pm and Jeremy, Taylor and Zac walked back on the bus to get ready for Heroes For Hire’s party at Hot Damn.

“Hey man, so are you and Hayley coming to the Party?” asked Taylor

“Taylor shhh Hayley’s sleeping she had a rough afternoon and no i wont be coming im just ganna stay here with Hayley”

“ok dude have fun!” and Taylor walked back to the bunks and grabbed some clothes.

Soon after Taylor walked out of the back lounge Zac came running it looked excited but then soon noticed Hayley sleeping on Josh and stopped running and making a noise.

“Josh i was just on the phone to mum and she said she throwing a party when we get home and she said to invite Jenna and Chad if Hayley wants to” Zac said

“uhh.. ok” i said awkwardly, obevously Zac didn’t know what was happening between Jenna and Chad and i guess i will have to brake the news to the guys soon  about it but for now it can stay between me and Hayley.

7:30pm Jeremy, Taylor and Zac had left the bus and off to Hot Damn so now it was just me and Hayley on our own. Hayley started to sturr and was waking up.

Hayley’s POV

I woke up in Josh’s lap and i had totally forgot about what happened before i fell asleep all i remember is that i was crying but then i remembered Josh grabbed my phone of me and i remembered Chad had texted me and it all came back to me, but now i had to end it with Chad and it was going to be hard for me because i loved Chad but i have to he has hurt me enough now since he is cheating on me.

I opened my eyes and i was stairing right into Josh’s big chocolate brown eyes that you could just melt into, it made me miss dating him.

Josh’s POV

Hayley’s eyes opened and i was stairing right into her amazing green eyes that i just loved i miss her so much i wish i could go back with her.

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