Chapter 11.

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Hayley’s POV

After Josh’s family left my house Josh stayed behind and stayed with me like he has been for the last few weeks, we walked up stairs and went into my room and layed down on my bed and Josh joined me, i rolled onto my side so i was looking at Josh “so what do you hope the baby is?” Josh asked me “hmm i dont know.. i guess i would be happy with either, what about you?” i asked “i think maybe i boy would be cool but im happy with what ever it is” Josh said and leaned towards me and kissed me, he pulled away and i bured my head into his chest “your hair smells like strawberrys” Josh said “it dose? Well mum brought me new shampoo the other day, i didn’t take any notice” i said and smiled with my head still in his chest, after laying on my side for a while Josh started to massage and rub my back “feels really good” i said to Josh, i started to get sleepy and soon my eyes shut and i was asleep.

Josh’s POV

I was rubbing and massaging Hayley’s back for a while and then she fell asleep, yet again she just looked so amazing asleep, and i just loved watching her.. sounds creepy but she just so damn perfect, after a while i soon fell asleep cuddling up to Hayley.

Hayley’s POV

7am... i was awake and running into the bathroom yet again vomiting, i was really starting to hate this whole morning sickness part, i walked over to the grabbed my tooth brush and started to bush my teeth to get the gross taste of vomit out of my mouth, soon Josh walked in “are you ok Hayles?” Josh said “yeah i guess, im so over this morning sickness and im so tired” i said “well go back to bed and get some rest, i just got to go take care of some things today and then if your up for it later i have a suprise for you” Josh said “ok can you tell my mum im up here” i said “sure thin, is there anything i can get you while im out?” he asked “hmm get me some cookies and cream ice cream and a block of chocolate” i said “done! I’ll be back soon” he said “ok bye” i said  “love you”Josh said “love you too” i said and chuckled and walked back to bed and fell asleep again.

*Later that day*

I was awake but too lazy to get of bed, Josh burst through the door looking happy “Hayles you want to see your suprise now?” he asked “umm yeah i guess were is it?” i said “get up and get dressed we have to drive there” he said so i got out of bed and pulled on some skinnys and a random red shirt and walked out the house and into Josh’s car were he put a blind fold on me “is this really nessesary Josh?” i asked “yep it sure is!” he said once he finished tying it up he got into the drivers side and started the car up and left, the car ride was about 5 or 10 minutes, we soon pulled up i had no idea where we were but i really wanted to know, soon my side door was opened and Josh guided me some where, he lead me up 2 steps and then i heard him pull keys out and a door swinging open, he lead me in “you ready Hayles?” Josh asked “sure am just hurry up and take this off me” i said getting a little angry “ok ok calm down” Josh said  “suprise!” Josh said and took the blind fold off, i was standing in a house the floors were all wooden with a stair case to my right, lounge room to my left and a kitchen just behind lounge room with a back door. “oh my gosh, who’s house is this Josh?” i asked him “its ours Hayles” he said calmly “are you seriously!? This is amazing how did you buy it? It would of cost so much?” i said “well i’ve had this place for a while i just haven’t been bothered to tell or move anything in here until a few weeks ago” he said, i walked up the stairs and walked down the hall way the first bedroom was the master bedroom which was massive and had to be mine and Josh’s, it even had it’s own bathroom, the next room was another big room with a big window.. this room was totally going to be the baby’s and then there was one last room it was yet again another big room, i guess it was just going to be a spare room for guest or something, i walked back down stairs and looked around the lounge room it was big and spacey and had a fire place to give it that warm comfy feeling, it also had a massive tv and a red lounge the one we used on the album cover of ‘All We Know Is Falling’ and a wooden coffee table sat  in the middle of the room, i walked in the kitchen and it looked amazing it was very country like, i then walked out the back were i met Josh again sitting on a deck next to the pool that also looked amazing and very tropical. “Josh this place is amazing thank you so much!” i said to him “when can we move in here?” i asked “when ever you are ready Hayles” he said “ok well why dont we start packing things tonight at my place and bring them over in the morning?” i said “sounds good to be” Josh said.

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