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There's blood. So much blood pouring out of Lena's still body. A wolf came and attacked her then ran off. I check her pulse and feel it, but it is hanging by a thread. With tears falling I try healing her. I cut my hand and place it on the bite marks. With the moon high over head my healing should work. I move my hand and see she's still bleeding out. Frantically I get up and carry Lena to the car. Then I quickly get in the car and start driving us back. Lena is laying slumped in the seat and I apply pressure to her wound.

"Come on baby. You can make it." I hear her cough for air. "It's alright. We'll be there soon." I drive at nearly one hundred mph all the way back. Suddenly she jumps up and looks around frantically.

"What.... what's happening?" she asks then passes out again. Finally I reach the safe house and carry her inside.

"Some one get Alpha!" I yell carrying her towards the Medicine Man. "Please, Argon. Please save her," I say laying her down on the cot. He comes over to Lena and waves some smoking herbs around her.

"What happened Thrae?" Argon asks me.

"She was attacked by our kind. We was mating and someone attacked my Lena." I hold her hand in mine with tears in my eyes. Argon sighs and starts getting to work to calm her body of pain.

"What's happened?!" Alpha yells walking into the infirmary. He pauses when he sees Lena. "Oh my."

"It's a serious bite Alpha. Very serious," Argon informs him. Beside me Lena groans and I clutch her hand tighter. "I don't know what all to do to help. I'm a medicine man, not a healer."

"I understand Argon. Just do what you can to ease her. I will think of something," Alpha says. I watch him pace back and forth, occasionally glancing at Lena and I. "You was in the middle of mating I presume?"

"Yes sir." He nods and rubs his chin.

"Did you try using your own blood to heal her?"

"Yes. It was my first instinct because of the full moon. It should have worked. Why didn't it?"

"Because you aren't her true mate. It's rare, you see, that you feel the connection of the mating but can't actually mate to them. It's extremely rare," Argon explains. He touches her bite with his palm. "Her blood is fighting yours. So there's a chance you will be sick within the next couple days because the fight is happening in you as well." Argon swiftly turns around and grabs a herb patch and he gets it wet to place on Lena's bite. "Her true mate needs to be found or she will die."

"How do you think we plan on doing that?" Alpha asks him annoyed.

"I don't know Alpha. That's the problem. We have no idea who it could be. Where they could be." Lena pulls her hand from mine and touches her neck. I watch her and she looks at alpha.

"Come," she whispers. He steps towards her and stands beside her. "Closer." He leans down to her and she places her mouth by his ear. She whispers something far to quiet for my wolf ears to pick up. Alpha jerks upright and walks out the door. Lena passes out again and I look at Argon.

"I don't know, my boy. I guess we will see in due time."

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