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I watch the scenery change as Thrae drives us to the cabin where we are going to mate. I can't deny I'm extremely nervous, but also excited to join the pack officially. We're an hour away from where the whole pack is and I can tell Thrae is getting aggravated from the moon. I squeeze his hand and smile softly.

"Hey. Everything is going to be fine." Thrae smiles, but it seems forced.

"I know. I just don't want to hurt you Lena," he sighs and tries to give me a reassuring smile. I feel the air change, become cleaner and clearer. I know that we aren't far from our destination. Alpha informed me of the sudden air differentiation. I look at Thrae and he's grinning. The wolf in him is happy to be out here in the wilderness. He speeds up and takes a sharp left. For twenty minutes we drive on a windy road in the dense forest. The cabin is huge. Three stories of wood and glass.

"Wow," I say in awe. "I've never seen a house so huge." I look at Thrae and he smiles.

"Go on inside. I'll get the bags." I slowly open my door and climb out of the car. I climb up the stair to the porch and stop in front of the doors. Two large glass doors stand before me and I carefully open them wide open. Giggling I run inside and stare at everything. The inside of the house is completely modernised. I roam every room surprised by it beauty. When I reach the third floor I'm baffled. It's just a huge bedroom. With glass for wall, a king sized bed in the corner dressers on either side of it, tile floors, and a lion claw bath tub in the opposite corner. In total this house has six bedrooms, seven bathrooms, a fully equipped kitchen, living room, dining room, and an office. I feel arms circle around my waist and kiss my neck. "Do you like it?"

"I love it. Why don't the whole pack live out here? In the wilderness?" I ask.

"We did a few years ago then something happened. So we moved back into the city. Seattle is where we live but I agree, the forest will always be our home." I think about and sigh. I'd love living out here. We're right near the water and its secluded. We have privacy to be who we are. "How about we eat something then take a quick nap. By then it'll be time to mate and for me to change."



It's nearly midnight now. I can't deny I'm nervous because I am. Thrae told me that in order for us to mate, we have to exchange blood. Which worries me because I'm weird with blood. I get queasy and nauseous. I told this to Thrae and he told me not to worry. He will take care of me.

I go outside to where Thrae is changing into his half wolf state. I see him standing by a huge rock and staring up at the moon. It's bright, full over our heads. In about ten minutes we will be mated and united. On the rock is a dagger.

"Are you ready?" he asks. His voice is thick with strain and deep.

"Yes," my voice says. I didn't even recognise my voice. It didn't sound like me but it came from me. Thrae turns to me and his eyes lock with mine. They appear like liquid gold in this moonlight. I lift my hand and he grasps it.

"One this night we are one," he says cutting me hand and licking the blood from the gash. Then he hands me the dagger.

"On this night-" and everything goes black.

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