Chapter 2

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Jay stood facing the enormous mountains before her. Her silvery fur gleamed bright in the July afternoon sun. To her right, a pond at least 6-feet wide and 4-feet deep, its surface covered in beautiful water lilies and sprinkled with algae here and there, its shore lined with cattails and large rocks that glinted sunshine, rippled as fish broke the surface. To her left, a large forest loomed, its tree branches waving gracefully as birds' songs echoed through the woods.

A cool breeze whistled through Jay's fur, and she sighed happily. This was where her heart belonged. In the wilderness with the sun, wind, and rain right there with her, and she could go whenever she pleased. The only thing that could make it perfect would be a mate there with her, his arm around her waist, head on his shoulder...


Jay returned to reality, spinning around on her heel and looking out at the cabin that was her home.


Jay transformed into a human, yelling, "coming", as she raced toward the log cabin, her golden brown hair streaming out behind her and her red, orange, and yellow sundress flapping softly in the breeze as she ran.

She reached the cabin in a few bounds, her long legs enabling her to run fast and far. She took her sunglasses out from where they were hanging on her shirt and slipped them over to the top of her head.

"Hey, momma. What's up?" She asked.

"I wanted to tell you that Lily is coming and she'll be here soon."

"Oh.. Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Because I didn't want to ruin the fact that we're going to a mansion!" Her mom said excitedly.

"Oh..... Why?"

"We have family there. A couple of cousins, ya know? And they wanted us to stay for a few days. This could be your chance," she said, nudging Jay's arm playfully.

"For a mate?" Jay asked quietly, a smile creeping up on her lips.

"Yes ma'am," her mom replied. "Now go get packed! Lily will be here soon."

Jay raced into the cabin and into her room, passing her father. She grabbed a big duffel bag from under her bed, rapidly throwing her clothes in it. She grabbed the 100 dollars she'd been saving for a rainy day and stuffed it into a pocket, which she zipped up. She also grabbed her phone and looked at it. 2 calls, both from Lily.

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