The only thing she wanted right then was to be home in Colorado.

¥ ¥ ¥

Lydia, trying to ignore everything she'd seen that night, walked into her backyard with Prada in her arms. Setting the small dog down she said, "Go," for Prada to get a move on so she could get back inside. Shivering, she called out, "Let's go, Prada. You're all of six pounds. There can't be that much to come out of you." But still, nothing. "Prada, let's go!"

There was distant rustling but no sign of the pup.

"Prada?" Lydia asked with a new tone as she held her arms close for warmth. Barefooted, she slowly started to walk around the pool towards the gate. "Prada. Prada?" Her heart thundered in her chest, a shadow unlike her dog's starting to emerge.

The blue eyed boy from Morrell's office walked up, carrying Prada. "Lose something?"

Yeah, she had.

Her mind.

¥ ¥ ¥

After meeting Scott and Stiles at Jungle once the kanima had struck, Winnie spent the rest of her night crammed in the back of the Jeep with Jackson's unconscious naked body.

Then to make it worse, they stole a police vehicle.

Winnie stood outside of it with Scott and Stiles as the sun rose, all three of them exhausted and in yesterday's clothes.

"What a wonderful idea, boys." Winnie spoke sarcastically, leaning against the same tree as Stiles. "Steal an armored police transport vehicle and stick an unconcious, lethal mythical monster in it."

"Stiles! McCall! I'm gonna kill you!"

Winnie cleared her throat, hearing Jackson's voice from the van. "Not so unconcious lethal mythical monster." She checked her watch, letting out a soft sigh. "I have homeroom in thirty. I should go."

"Cover for us," requested Scott as she started to pull out her car keys.

"No problem. I'll be back after school." Winnie started to head to her car, glancing back to the boys as she opened the driver's side door of the Malibu. "And try not to do anything stupid." She halfly motioned to the van, "At least, nothing else stupid."

An hour later, Winnie stood outside of the principal's office door, motioning next to her.

Allison's eyebrows slightly furrowed, seeing security cameras being installed. She looked back into the office, finding her grandfather smiling.

"Go ahead," Gerard told her.

Winnie quickly joined Allison, the two heading out of the receptionists office.

Gerard cleared his throat, "Miss Jones?"

Winnie's blood seemed to run cold, the brunette hesitantly looking back.

"Tell your father I say hello, won't you?"

Without a reply, Winnie left the front office.

"He's just trying to scare you," assured Allison as the two walked back towards class.

"Well, it's working." Winnie, having told her teacher she needed to use the bathroom so she could go with Allison to Gerard, was nearing 10 minutes of being gone.

Allison watched where the wall met the ceiling as they walked, cameras popping up everywhere. "He's scaring me too," she said softly.

Winnie stopped by her class, looking to Allison. "This place is turning into a prison."

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