Chapter 13

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Melanie's POV:

*The day they got to their new home*

We finally got up the hill still going strong in this heat. Thank goodness we didn't put on helmets our we would be cooking. He all put on our sunglasses yes, but still it doesn't help much. We masked out sent as we entered the territory it like they can feel us there, but can't see or smell us.

We took a right onto the gravel road I stopped in front of the house. It's huge it has six floors with a training room and kitchen with all the other room needed.

"I call top floor end of story!" I yelled getting of my bike. I whistled and the three hellhound came jogging in. "You sleeping with my or in the woods?" I ask putting their bags on the ground in front of them.

'With you please.' Shredder said.

"And why would that be Mister?" I asked throwing my bag over my shoulder.

'We missed you and the raddit is just hopping around and I can't kill it.' He answered looking back at where they came from.

"Okay on the bed or ground?" I asked as they picked up there bags.

'The bed!' They yelled at me. I chuckled and began to walk to the door.

"Okay listen up! There will be two on a floor dinner is served at 9 and not later and Alex and Alexander sorry to say this, but your cooking and please use the food in the fridge not road kill." I said walking up the stair to my top floor.

I unpacked every thing and I mean everything I made my bed. Shredder all ready said he get to sleep next to me so the other two is sleeping where the get space. That's just how it works. I'm the one how looks after Shredder, Lila and Coco the most Cara and Joe usely only use them for missions.

On our forth mission we took down a demon prince. They try to save him, but was to late. When you kill there later they go back to a baby hellhound till they get a new master or mistress so we took them to Andrew and asked if we could keep they and he said yes so we kept them. I took the boy and she the girl and the other one they just took care of till somebody want one.

Shredder was the wild one of them we took on Andrew, because we where in training and he snack out to find me so when he did he saw me being thrown through the wall he took on Andrew and I needed to command him out of it.

Is one serious hellhound. Lila was the rant and Cara saw that and wanted to make her feel special which she did and know she's strong and nothing can take her down easily.

We ate dinner in peace and quiet think of what happened today. "Okay everyone must be ready at 7am and not later. I'll already be awake and well ran the borders so Fiona will you please fly it and just check in with Cara. Okay now that that is done go to bed and sleep." I said and walked to my room. With Shredder, Coco and Lila on my tail.

I walked to my closet and graded a tank top and shorts and took a long hot shower as I walked out of the bathroom I noticed that the balcony door is open and the three trouble makers is out of site. I walked out onto the balcony seeing them staring at the blue moon it beautiful when it comes.

They looked at me with sorrow in their eyes they wanted to howl I could tell. I shifted and howled I'm sure the hole town heard it and then they howled with me. We heard a few other howl, but one stood out. It Logan looks like he's enjoying the freedom and the blue moon.

If the blue moon or just the full moon comes we are a lot stronger it like everything tripeled. It when we aren't aloud out, but sometimes we sneak out to see it.

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