Chapter 11

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Melanie's POV:

"Okay," I said looking over the pack who I currently sitting in front of Logan, Tyler, Cara and I with The Alpha King behind us and Andrew and Joe in the trees, "Anyone something they what to ask?" I asked as Logan wrapped his arm around me.

"Where did you get all the scares?" The Luna once again asked.

"Well Luna Carly as you all know we're the best there is. After 8 months we out ranked everyone even our mentors. So after a year had past An Alpha decided to join the army he became an Marine they had a special mission. They had to retrieve one of their own so he offered. They went in and lost communication with the base and one of The Generals was werewolf so he called The Alpha King, because if the pack doesn't have An Alpha they will go crazy." I said talking a breath.

"The Alpha King got on the phone and called Andrew our mentor saying he wanted the 'best of the best'. So we went in the next day we knew the men that has taken the Alpha was werewolfs so we kept our scent werewolf so that they would maybe throw us in the same sell as the Alpha. We walked in and they caught us they took all our weapons. We smelled us and could tell we where werewolves so he tortured us with silwer and whips, but one thing we learned from Andrew was I to never show weakness. He kept going for 1 day straight." I said looking over everyone.

"We didn't scream when he whipped us and throw wolfbane on us no we kept strong no the less did he know we are 'improved' like normal silver and wolfbane does nothing to us, but to you it will kill you in a second. That night we acted like we couldn't handle it so he throw us in the sell with The Alpha. One thing you don't know about us is that we can heal people so we healed him when he looked at us he was concerned for us thinking we are going to die or something." Cara said chuckling.

"What night when every one was asleep Melanie and I broke through the silwer bars getting another scare The Alpha still didn't believe us so we just did it as we walked out of the sells we saved his team to the where all warriors from his pack we made is out alive with one injured man that Melanie couldn't be in front of, because she chose The Alpha over him, but he survived only with miner injuries, because Melanie stepped in front of the second bullet that was going to his heart." She said looking at me as if she remembered it like yesterday.

"Andrew was already waiting for us with a healer to heal The Warrior and The Alpha. We stood guard as she did that when she was done she walked to us telling she will heal us know, but we denied telling her that our scares tell a story that we will wear them with pride." I said looking at Andrew in the tree.

"Is our memory of how many times we walked out off a battle with out us ending up dead and a memory of how we got there, because if it wasn't for Trevor and Jason we wouldn't have saved your asses and we wouldn't be happy." Cara said looking up to Tyler.

"How did you get the scare on your shoulders?" The Alpha asked.

Cara and I stepped forward turning so the scares will become one so that they will see it as one. "We got that one went we got tortured he asked us how send us and we said fuck you so he pulled out one of our daggers and cut into our skin." I said as we turned around.

"That is way we look like this we work for The Alpha King when he or The Council needs us." Car as said looking towards The Alpha King.

"What's the agreement you have with The Alpha King?" Chris asked looking between us.

Andrew, Joe, Logan, Tyler, Cara and I chuckled. I looked over to The Alpha King seeing him shaking his head. "The agreement is that we do thing our way not his and he can only force us to do a mission if it's important and, because we out rank him he said that we don't have to bow down to him. And to add to that he made a deal to us if we made an assassin promise and we break it he can kill us or torture us till we break and believe me we don't break quick." I said looking at Andrew seeing him smirking.

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