Chapter 5

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Cara's POV:

Melanie was out all night long so I don't think she'll be in school, but I'm just waiting for Andrew to tell me. So today is our first day of school. Jippy. Note the sarcasm. I got up an walked to my closet I got out black skinny jeans, a purple tank top with matching lace underwear.

I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I waited till  I saw steam and stepped in after I undressed. I washed my body with peach scented body wash and my hair with vanilla. I got out and dried myself. I put on my close and walked out putting on my black knee high boots and leather jacket.

I graded my bag and walked down stair with my phone in my hand, but first I stopped in the training room and graded my weapon and hide then into place. I went down stair and got myself breakfast just as I sat down to start eating my phone rang. "Hello?"

"Melanie will not be in school today and I'm coming for a visit tomorrow now in joy your day. Bye." Andrew said and hung up.

I heard the shower running up stairs. I stood in the door and yelled. "I'm going see you later or around school!" I yelled and slam the door shut. I got out my motorcycle keys and climb on I put on my helmet and rode off.

I got at school really fast. I pulled up beside a Nisson Skylyn GTR it's a nice car we have take it on some missions, but otherwise we take our bikes. I got off and walked to my locker I got out the book I need and close the locker. I started to walk to my next class when I saw Chris an his future Beta's and Gamma. I don't know they're names, but I know they're faces.

I stopped a few lockers away and pull out my iPhone 6 and saw Tyler texts me to see if I was okay. I texted him back to tell him I was okay and at school. I often looked up and saw Chris looking at me. I texted him and asked if he would stop looking at me, because I don't want attention. I heard him sniker and saw him typing back.

'Your the hottest girl in school you got the guys and girls attention.' He texted me back. I just shook my head at that. I heard them laugh and listened.

"Dude, why are you staring at her?" A tall blonde hair and blue eyed boy ask.

"Because my father said I need to keep an eye on her." He said looking my way. I laugh at that and looked at my phone when they all looked my way.

"Okay who is she?" a guy with long-ish dark brown haired and blue eyes asked.

"Well you need to ask her that she and her friend is really secretive." He said smirking.

"Okay, but how did you get her number and why is she here?" The guy with long-ish light brown hair and blue eyes asked.

'Tell them Melanie and I save you and that's why he let us in the pack.' I texted it to him.

He graded his phone and read the text. "They saved me and for that my dad let them join." He said putting his phone in his back pocket.

"But they where rogues am I right?" The blond dude asked.

Chris looked at me and I nodded yes. "Yes, but that was, because there mates rejected them and they went crazy so know they are almost heartless, but they killed the rogues, because the wanted to protect me, Marco." He said and I scoffed at that.

I got out a piece off paper and wrote down nice now they are going to pity me. I walked past them and pushed the paper in his back pocket after that I sent him a text to look in his pocket. He did and said to the guy. "But don't pity them, because then your atomicly on there bad side.". He said and shaved it back in his jeans pocket.

"Okay Chris let's go to class and wait for her." The dark brown haired guy said and started walking my way. First we have Math I walked in and sat on Marco's seat, and I know where everyone sits so I'm just sitting here to see what they will do.

Assassin WarriorsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora