Chapter 13

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(Artemis POV)

'Marcus!!! Listen to me!!!!' I yelled trying to get his attention but I could see his eyes turning black. 'Marcus!!!!!' I yelled again but he didn't hear me. He then went to leap at Raphael but I grabbed his arm. 'Valor'Cutzpah!!!! Listen to me!!!!' I screamed. Then I felt the current grab hold of us both and I gasped. I felt Marcus tense and stand still. 'Please don't hurt him. He didn't hurt me...He was trapped there and I freed him. Eldrax took his mate and killed her in front of him and he was only doing what he had to do to survive....' I sobbed holding onto Marcus's arm. Marcus stared at the ground and still didn't move. 'Please...Look at me Marcus....' I sobbed and he turned his face to mine. His eyes were back to normal, but they had a tinge of red in his irises. 'He told you my name....' whispered Marcus. Then he fell to his knees and I collapsed onto my knees in front of Marcus. 'It's ok...' I whispered reaching out to touch Marcus's face but Marcus pulled away. 'I didn't want you find out...' he whispered and tears slipped down his cheeks. He then suddenly stood up and walked into a separate cave. I sat where I was and I didn't move. I couldn't. If I did, I felt that I might shatter into a million shards of glass.

(Raphael POV)

What had I done!? I could feel Marcus trying to fight the small bond he had created with Artemis. And Artemis hadn't moved. What had I done?

(Santiago POV)

Seconds passed, minutes passed, hours passed. And mother remained in the same spot the whole time. And daddy stayed in the separate cave. And the other dragon was asleep next to the pool of water. I walked over to mummy's side and nudged my head against her arm. Mummy then broke down in tears. She stood up and ran up the steps. The other dragon lifted his head and shook it. 'Come here little dragon....your mother needs some time to herself.....' said the dragon and I walked over. 'Why is mummy so upset??!!' I asked sitting on the dragons talons. 'Your mother found out about your fathers secret and he broke the bond between them. And your mother is heartbroken' replied the dragon sadly.

(Furleanix POV)

'Can you smell her??? She's no longer bonded to Marcus...Let's get her!!!!' I laughed. And several ideas popped into my head of what revenge I could do to pay her back. We ran out into the opening she was sitting in and she lifted her head and saw us. But she didn't try to run...and she didn't yell out for Marcus....We walked over to her and I could feel the sorrow and pain radiating off her. I knelt down beside her and I put my arm around her neck. 'Come with us.....We can make you happy....' I whispered into her ear and it sent a shiver down her spine. 'Yes....' She whispered and I smiled. Then one of my men stabbed a needle into her arm and she passed out.

(Artemis POV)

When I woke up, I was lying on a lounge. I sat up and I could hear the dragons talking about me. 'She's awake....' one whispered. Then a door opened and all four men walked into the room. I sat up and I watched the dark dragons. And the leader of the group smiled. 'What do you want???' I asked. I could feel my sadness from earlier flow through my veins. And I could feel Marcus trying to find where I was. But I didn't want him too. So I set up a wall between us and he couldn't get passed it. 'You know what we want....revenge...But it's up to you to either choose the easy way....or the hard way.....' said the leader and I nodded.

The leader than grabbed my hand and led me out of the room into a hallway. He then pulled me into a separate room. And as soon as he closed the door, I was pushed up against the wall and the dragon had his lips on mine. I opened my lips and let him in and our tongues tangled as the kiss deepened. I could suddenly feel Marcus pushing against the wall I had created. So if he ever did break down the wall, it was going to take at least ten days to do so. The dragons hand slid down to my waist and I moaned. The dragon laughed and sank his teeth into my throat. I cried out in pleasure and pain. Pleasure because I wanted to feed him but pain because my body and soul were still craving Marcus's. The dragon fed deeply of my life essence but I could feel Marcus's power rise incredibly trying to break down the wall. I used my power again and I built another wall behind the first.

If he kept raising his magic and power like this the walls weren't going to stop him. Agony swept through my body as the dragon kept feeding on my life essence. Then suddenly everything around me started blurring and dimming. He was going to kill me!!! But I couldn't fight back!!! Then I felt Marcus break through the first wall and start on the second and he raised his power and magic level again. Marcus was the only one who can stop the dragon, but......I would worry about that after. I reached up to the wall and I tore it down. Then suddenly I felt Marcus's magic, power and emotions flow through my body. I gasped and suddenly I could hear Marcus's voice in my head.

Artemis!!! Where are you!!??? Please!!! Oh god!! I'm going to kill those dragons!!!!!

Then suddenly I heard Marcus's roar of rage. The dragon pulled back and held me in front of him as a shield. Then suddenly the roof collapsed and dust blew up everywhere. I covered my eyes and suddenly I felt a blade at my throat. I gasped in fright then the dust settled and I could see Marcus...or should I say Valor'Cutzpah was standing in front of me. But with some of his power and magic raised, he was larger, stronger and fiercer. 'LET HER GO!!!!!!!' roared Marcus as he transformed into his human form. The dragon pushed the blade against my throat harder and I began to cry. The blade had cut a small cut on the side of my throat and it stung. Valor took a step towards us and the dragon sliced the side of my throat with the knife. I cried out in pain and more tears fell down my cheeks. 'What do you want!' growled Valor.  'Simply...I want to try her blood. It smells so sweet mixed with fear and pain. But if you take another step, I'll slice her throat open!' growled the dragon and Valor stopped taking steps towards us.

I swallowed and Valor looked at me. Then suddenly I felt the dragon's mouth on the cut he made on my throat and I felt him drinking my blood. I gasped and Valor ran at us with rage in his eyes. Then suddenly Valor stopped and I put my hand to my throat. I pulled it away and saw that it was covered in blood. My blood. I collapsed onto the ground and Valor ran to my side. 'Artemis!!! Look at me!! Stay with me!!! I can help you but you have to trust me!!!' yelled Valor putting a cloth onto the deep wound on my throat. I gasped for air and tried to focus on Valor. Everything was spinning around me and getting dimmer. Then all of a sudden, I felt humungous power and magic flood my body. I gasped and my back arched in pain. My hands clenched into fists and I felt my nails dig into my palms. Blood dripped from my palms onto the floor and I felt more magic and power flood my body. Then suddenly I felt the bond between Valor and I reconnect and even his life essence was so much more powerful and addictive. I felt sweat drip off my forehead and I could feel the wound on my throat beginning to heal.

'You couldn't be!!! Valor'Cutzpah!!!' yelled the dragon's voice but Valor was too busy staring me in the eyes. 'Don't ever do that again Artemis!! Don't ever leave my side again!!' whispered Valor as he nuzzled his face into my hair. I moaned and the current grabbed hold between us and we both moaned in unison. My eyes drifted closed and suddenly I could hear Valor yelling something but it was all muffled. I tried to open my eyes again but they were too heavy. 'Valor...' I whispered. Then I suddenly felt air rush around me. I felt myself being held in Valor's talons as he flew. Valor was yelling at me and telling me to stay with him, but it was so hard trying to stay when something was pulling me the other direction. Then suddenly I was being held in Valor's arms bridal style. 'Hold on! Please don't leave me! If I lose you...I'll lose myself.....' begged Valor. I suddenly felt a new strength flow through me and I opened my eyes. 'Valor...' I whispered and he looked me down into my eyes. Valor stopped running and he laid me on the ground. 'Artemis...I can't fully heal you unless you....' murmured Valor looking at my hands. I sat up and I smiled softly. 'You won't kill me Valor'Cutzpah. I'm your mate and I'll be able to handle your magic and power' I smiled softly as I stroked his cheek.

'Close your eyes' whispered Valor and I did. I could feel his breath on my throat and I tilted my head to the side. 'Relax. If you relax, it won't hurt...' whispered Valor as I felt his fangs lengthen onto my throat. A shiver went through my body, then I felt him sink his fangs into my throat. I gasped and wrapped my arms around his throat.

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