The Morning Madness!

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"But... Why?" Dokaru questioned.

"Because why not?" Crazy-chan giggled. "I'm probably the weirdest, craziest asian you'll ever meet!"

"No doubt about that." said Lui, as he walked downstairs stretching.

" 'EY! My name is Crazy for a reason!" Crazy-chan laughed and puffed out her cheeks, making her resemble something like

"Me hungry..." Merry slowly walked down the stairs and rubbed her sleepy eyes.

"GOOD MORNIN' CINDERELLA!" Crazy-chan chirped.

"Mworning..." Merry said sleepily.

"When is breakfast going to be ready?" Dokaru asked.

"It's ready now. I just set the plates." said Gaku, poking his head out of the kitchen entryway.

Once he said that everyone except me and my sisters, went straight to the dining room like a pack of hungry wolves and sat at their seats, leaving us behind in the living room. We went into the dining room after them. On the table were separate meals for each of us. Crazy-chan had her bowl of strawberry oatmeal, eggs, and some sausage. Mikoto had a big plate of blueberry waffles and two sausages. Kotone's plate had a big serving of chocolatey pancakes drizzled in syrup with whipped cream on top. Kakashi had a plate full of cinnamon french toast and mable syrup, with two biscuits. Lui had the strawberry pancakes that Mikoto said she made, along with some scrambled eggs. Gaku's plate had two eggrolls and two sausages. Lastly, there were three plates of the same thing. A big omelette with a side of Crazy-chan's strawberry oatmeal.

"We didn't know what you guys wanted to eat so we just gave you a omelette and that oatmeal you liked so much!" said Crazy-chan, in between bites of her food.

"Thank you!" me and my sisters said happily. We took a seat at the table and began eating the oatmeal first.

"You say 'we' like you're the one who made it!" said Mikoto as she look a bite of her blueberry waffles.

"Hey! I did make the oatmeal! I put my heart and soul into adding the water and nuking it! I even added a little something special to it!" chirped Crazy-chan.

Everyone froze dead in their tracks after she said that. Gaku dropped his chopsticks and stared at us with wide eyes.

"Dear God..." whispered Mikoto.

"T-They're already eating it..." said a trembling Kakashi.

"Mother of God... Who was supposed to be watching Crazy make the oatmeal?!" shouted Kotone.

"Crazy! What are you trying to do? Kill our guests on their second day here?!" yelled Lui.

"What did I tell you about experimenting with the food?! Especially the guests food!" shouted Gaku.

Me, Merry, and Dokaru immediately stopped eating the oatmeal. I stared in absolute awe and confusion.

"Oh no! Look! Lyric's already experiencing the side effects! CALL AN AMBULANCE!!" exclaimed Mikoto.

"W-What's wrong with the food? It tasted fine to me..." I asked with fear in my voice.

"A-Am I gonna die?..." Dokaru asked with fear written all over her face. Merry dropped her spoon in the bowl and starting to cry.

Crazy-chan slammed both of her hands down on the table. "Okay, okay! Everyone calm the frick down! All I did was add a little cinnamon, a little nutmeg, extra strawberries, and a little more cream! Sheesh you guys, my cooking isn't that bad!"

Everyone breathed a huge sigh of relief and calmed down after she said that.

"You put Neko in a some type of coma for a week after you experimented on her food..." said Kakashi.

"That was when I didn't know what I was doing!" Crazy-chan replied.

"Your food experiments caused Kotone to completely lose her voice for 5 whole days." said Lui.

"The spices got mixed up!" Crazy-chan defended.

"Your food experiments gave Gaku some type of weird stomach virus that lasted for two weeks..." said Mikoto.

"Accidents happen!" she yelled.

"You should just always stick to the recipe...don't experiment. Please, for our safety and well being, FOLLOW THE RECIPE." said Gaku.

"Or better yet, don't cook at all..." Kotone added.

"Oh, shut up! ばか ねこ!(Romanji: Baka neko! English: Stupid cat!)

"What did you say?!"

I watched them and continued eating after I eyed the food for several minutes. Merry had stopped crying a while ago and was now eating her food again. Dokaru wasn't panicking anymore and laughed as they argued, while eating her food as well.


(Author's Note: So! Did you enjoy this chapter?? Let me know! And please don't forget to vote if you enjoyed! )

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