Neko The Demon Spawn

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Neko walked inside the living room. I was kind of freaking out since I was just shoved under a freaking table. Honestly! I would've preferred a closet! Neko walked in front of the TV that Crazy-chan was pretending to watch. "Whatcha up to?"

"Oh, nothin' really. Just watching some TV. Nothin' special, ya know?" Crazy-chan said in her best impression of a nonchalant manner.

"Huh. That's odd. You're usually up to something." said Neko.

"Weeell... a girls gotta relax sometime, am I right?"

"I guess so."

"Haha! You know I'm lazy! Those two, Kakashi and Kotone are chasin' each other outside again. It's complete chaos!"

"I noticed. Hey, where's Gaku?"

"He went to the store. Now can you please get your butt out the way? I'm trying to watch TV here!" said Lui.

Mikoto just sat there trying to become as invisible as possible. Neko stepped out of the way.

"Hmph. I'll be going then. See ya later." Neko went into the kitchen, grabbed a pudding cup out of the fridge, and left through the front door.

After a few minutes passed, Crazy-chan looked through the living room window. "The coast is clear! You guys can come out now!"

I poked my head out from under the table, dusting myself off. "Well that wasn't so bad."

Dokaru and Merry crawled out from under the table. "She didn't seem as bad as you guys described her." said Dokaru.

"Ice cream!" Merry grabbed her bowl of ice cream that she didn't finish and continued eating it.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME? SHE IS A PSYCHOTIC DEMON SPAWN FROM HELL! IF YA ASK ME, SHE IS THE DAUGHTER OF SATAN HIMSELF! What you just witnessed was her in a OKAY mood. DO NOT underestimate that satanic creature!" Crazy-chan exclaimed.

"Don't forget the cannibalistic soul eater part." Mikoto grumbled.

"Or the satanic voodoo queen of the Underworld part." Lui added.

"Or the flesh eating devil worshipper part." said Kakashi, poking his head in from the back door.

"Or the future bride of the Antichrist himself part." said Kotone, poking her head in as well.

Everyone in the room besides me, Merry, and Dokaru nodded in agreement.

The sound of a ringtone came on right after. Crazy-chan reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out her phone. " 'Ello?" She answered. "Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Yea she just left. Oh, you're on your way here? Great! See ya soon Gaku!" She hung up. "That was Gaku. He'll be here in about 10 minutes."

"Is he sane or like the rest of you guys?" I asked.

"Heheh... Weeell... Since you asked..." Crazy-chan began but was cut off by Mikoto. "Actually! Gaku is like the only mature one here."

"Most of the time...other times he can be just as crazy as us." Lui added.

Kakashi and Kotone both walked in. Their clothes were ripped and they were covered head to toe in cuts and bruises.

"Woah guys! I told you to AT LEAST act like civilized people in front of our guests!" said Crazy-chan, looking at them up and down.

Kakashi closed the back door and locked it. "Sorry. Couldn't help it."

"He shouldn't have taken my phone!"

"Pfft- It was totally worth it, 'honey bear.'" Kakashi said teasingly. Crazy-chan held back her laughter. "W-Wait wha? One of Kotone's boyfriend's actually says that, Kakashi? Now this I gotta see."

Mikoto and Lui began snickering quietly.

"Yep. I saw it in her text messages." Kakashi snickered.

"It's not funny!" Kotone screamed.

"Oh, Kotone it's very funny! Hilarious even! AHAHAHA!" Crazy-chan snorted with laughter.


"NEVAH!" Crazy-chan fell on the floor again; rolling around while laughing.

"Y-You guys..." Mikoto started. "A...Hahaha!"

"Pfft..." Lui chuckled to himself.


"How many of your boyfriends did you give nicknames to, 'honey bear~?'"


"Ohh my sweet little neko! I looove you sooo much~!" Kakashi tilted his head to the side to exaggerate his point.

Me and Dokaru stared at the whole scene in awe. Meanwhile, in the kitchen Merry could be seen happily eating her ice cream without a care in the world.

"These people are absolutely nuts! ...I like it! I think we're going to have a fun time here." Dokaru said cheerfully.

"Hehe, yea. I think so too." I said.

The front door opened.

"HE'S HERE! HE'S HERE!" Crazy-chan instantly stood up and began hopping.

Gaku, the oldest of the group walked into the living room. He had long green hair that went down to his back, and calming purple eyes.

"Yo! Gaku! You won't believe that one of Kotone's boyfriends called her 'honey bear.' It's hilarious!"


"Sure Kotone. Sure." said Kakashi.

"...Honey bear? Oh wow." Gaku chuckled.

"STOP IT ALREADY!" Kotone whined.


(Author's Note: I'm so so sorry about the delay for this chapter! I'll make it up to you by making two more right after publishing this one! Also I hope you enjoyed the music for this chapter! I apologize if it's a little short, but the problem I'm having with Wattpad right now is stopping me from writing too much. Also, this chapter was basically just a introduction to Neko. The next chapter will be longer. I hope...)

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