Chapter 9

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**some more pictures of Bae**
I am sitting in Julian's classroom during lunch completing tonight's homework while Julian was talking to his boss, my principal. He was called into the office during our fourth-period class. As soon as his name was called I knew someone had found out about us, I was now waiting for my name to be called over the P.A. The bell then went for fifth period so I had to go go to Art, Julian didn't have a class until sixth.

Sitting in art I couldn't concentrate so I texted Julian 'Teach is everything okay?'

I soon got a reply back 'a note is being sent to retrieve you now, someone has gone to the school about us. Be honest with them, I will be sitting beside you. I have said nothing about our relationship yet.'

'Ok,' I sent back just as the teacher was handed me my note. Once I was seated next to Julian in the office the principal cut right to the chase "the school has been made aware of your student-teacher relationship, I want to hear you explain to me how this occurred."

I looked at Julian nodding my head then telling Mr Hughes all the events leading up to now. Once I was done Julian was now holding my hand, he asked Mr Hughes "it was Landon Romeo that told you about us?"

The principal coughed into his hands "Julian you know I can't share those kinds of details."

Julian nodded his head "I understand that but you need to understand that he is after my girlfriend, he forced himself on her last night, Sir."

Mr Hughes then nodded "yes Julian it was your brother, but there is no need to worry about that now, we need to discuss your relationship."

I grabbed Julian's hand tighter, I was beginning to worry about the outcome. Julian kissed my hand "if need be I am willing to leave my job."

Mr Hughes shook his head "I think you could keep your job but there will be changes and rules."

I nodded my head "what kind of rules?" I asked.

Mr Hughes then continued to explain "Nevaeh you would be moved out or Julian's class and into another English class, you are to arrive separately and finally there is no interaction in school unless school related."

Julian and I both nodded our heads in agreement. "Thank you Mr Hughes" I spoke before Julian can. Julian and I then left we headed to his classroom to talk 'about all things school related'.

I cuddled into Julian's chest "I can't believe Landon backstabbed us." Julian muttered.

I nodded my head "I think Lauren played a part in it as well." I added.

After a long two hours school was finally over Julian and I headed home separately.
When we got to Julian's house my mum was waiting on the doorstep. Julian was very apprehensive to let her in at first but then she said we all needed to talk.
Julian and I were seated in the love seat whilst mum stood in front of us, she finally spoke "I got a call today from Mr Hughes and he told me about your relationship hon."

I looked at her for a moment just to see if she was going to clarify what she was getting at "and?"

Mum laughed with tears threatening to spill "Nevaeh you don't get it, people know and you are going to be judged harshly, end it now before the authorities get involved."

I shook my head "mum it's time you left Julian and I are none of your concern."

Mum shook her head "no Nevaeh it is all my concern it will reflect badly on the company, I know you don't care but I do and so does your father."

I then showed her to the door "mum I love him and he loves me."

Mum nodded her head "I understand that but think about him Nevaeh, how this would reflect on his job and how his colleagues and students would treat him, Nevaeh he, no both of you would become social paranàs."

I nodded my head "thanks, mum." Mum then walked back over the street.
When I got back into Julian his head was in his hands, I kneeled in front of him "Julian talk to me."

Julian gently kissed me long and passionate "we can't do this anymore baby."

I shook my head keeping away the tears "no don't do this Teach."

He roughly wiped his tears away "I can't do this Nevaeh it's over."

I shook my head finally letting the tears run "no we are going to get married and have a family."

Julian wiped away some more tears "I know and I am sorry but you are nothing but a kid."

I pulled him closer "no you are just trying to make everything easier for us but that isn't going to work."

By then I was hysterical and Julian was trying to pull away from me "Julian stop it, don't do it. Please don't break my heart, please!"

Julian kissed my forehead "please let yourself out, Miss James."

I got off the floor and I ran home to see mum and dad in the lounge room as soon as I came in they stopped talking I ran to the stairs and stopped at the bottom.
I yelled, "he dumped me so you two can celebrate you got what you wanted."

It was an hour later when mum came up, she laid in bed next to me. She kissed my forehead and she whispered "I only ever wanted you to be happy."

I shook my head and yelled out through sobs "no you only ever worried about the company, the only good thing in my life has ended."

Mum shook her head "Nevaeh you have the rest of your life ahead of you."

I shook my head "not without Julian."

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