Oops Wrong Number

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I can't believe you! You cheating, lying, little piece of shit!

Uhhh... Wut?

Don't play dumb with me, Luke! I know you were cheating on me! With my best friend, no less.

Geez... That guy sounds like a jerk... But that's not me...

Oh... Oops 😳 Wrong number. Hehe...

Naw, keep talking to me. I'm interested 😉


I find it interesting how your mind immediately went to something dirty... Anyways, it's not Perv, it's PerCY

Well, excuse me if I believe what people tell me about people prowling about the Internet. Plus, you put a winky face.

Percy, you say?

That's my name, don't wear it out

Talk about cliché. I feel my IQ slowly deteriorating with each second I talk to you.

You could just leave you know, us internet prowlers are pretty easy to evade

Shaddup. You don't even know me.

I know that you just found out that your bastard of a boyfriend named Luke was fucking around with your bff

... How did you know that?

Read above texts

Right... 😳

God, that's the second time I've used that emoji throughout is entire conversation! That's, like, twice more times than I usually do.

Not the blushing type, now are you?

Is it weird that I barely know you, but I can see you laughing at me?

What do I look like? 😂

Now there's a question I never thought I'd ask

Brown hair, blue eyes, scrawny, likes the color blue...

All of so wrong except for the last one, which you got half-right

How did I only get it half-right?

Black hair, green eyes, pretty muscular and tall if I do say so myself, and completely OBSESSED with the color blue

Black hair and green eyes? 😟 Pretty unique look you got there. Muscular? Ha! You sound pretty vain, if I do say so myself. You probably have underdeveloped muscles and are just deluding yourself to feel better about yourself. The last one? ... No comment.

Pretty detailed commentary, for a stranger. If you don't mind me asking, stranger, what's your name? You know mine

Umm... I'm not so sure...

Oh shit!


I've just been caught! We're not allowed to have phones at my school

You're still at school? From your district code, I can tell you live in Manhatten like me, and it's 7:00 pm here...

Boarding school. Reform school specifically

Gotta go!



My name's Annabeth. I'm saving your number so you better not lose your phone, retard.

Sure. Nice to meet ya, Annabeth

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