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The next day... 

Nick's POV

Finally, Amanda and I were arrived at the hotel. Now, we're laying on our king-sized bed. Amanda stood up and then looked at me. 

Amanda : Let's just not going anywhere tonight. 

Me : Why?

Amanda : Because, I want to spend the night with you, in this room. 

Me : Okay then, let's just not going anywhere tonight.

I smiled. I stood up and sit on the bed. Amanda seems so happy, then she called a room service to bring us the dinner. Then she go to the bathroom to take a shower. Before she closed the door, she walked out towards to me. 

Amanda : Do you want to join me in the bathroom, love?

Amanda smiled flattery. I laugh a little. 


Tomorrow night...

Because Amanda feel a little tired, she's resting in the bedroom. Because of bored, Nick go to the hotel bar and drinking. When he's ordering his third drink, suddenly a woman touched his shoulder. 

Woman : Hey, Nick! It's been a while!

Nick seems so confused. But then, he realized something. That woman is Lacy, his ex-girlfriend. Nick hugged her. 

Nick : Hey, Lacy! Where have you been? 

Lacy : I moved to California for this whole time. Where have you been?

Nick : Just doing my job as a SVU Detective. So, do you have a new man now?

Lacy shook her head. 

Lacy : Nope. Just be a single woman for years. 

After that, they chatting for a while until Nick said that he must go back to his room. 

Lacy : Hey, Nick, what's your room number?

Nick : 305

Lacy : Okay then, see ya!

Nick just smiled then he walk to the lift and go to his bedroom and sleep next to Amanda.


The next morning...

Amanda woke up and see Nick beside her, sleeping. She smiled and then she kissed his forehead. She get up from the bed and walk to the balcony. When she's just about to enjoy the view, the door bell rings. She walks to the door and opened the door. That's Lacy, smiling. 

Amanda : Yeah, how can I help you?

Lacy : Oh, is this Nick Amaro's room? 

Amanda : Yeah, it is.

Lacy : And who are you?

Amanda : Partner + girlfriend. And who are you?

Lacy seems to shock but then she control her emotion. She smiled at Amanda.

Lacy : Just a friend from high school. Do you mind if you tell him to meet me at the bar? I just wanna discuss some things with him,

Amanda : Yeah, of course. 

Lacy smiled and then she walks away. Amanda closed the door. She walks in and saw Nick is already woke up. Amanda walks toward him.

Amanda : Hey, Nick. Your friend is just been here. She said that she wants to meet you in the bar.

Nick seems confused. But then he realized something.

Nick : Oh yeah, her name is Lacy. But why she wants to meet me at the bar, this early morning? 

Amanda : I don't know. 

Nick nodded. Then he get ready and go to the bar, left the confused Amanda in the room alone. 


In the bar...

Nick : So what do you want to talk about?

Lacy smiled. She suddenly sit closer to Nick and start to flirt him. She starts to hold his hand, playing with his hair, and touching his cheeks. But then suddenly, she kissed Nick, right at his lips. Nick shocked. SO SHOCKED. Nick pushed her away and then he's touching his lips.

Nick : What the hell, Lacy! You shouldn't do that!

Lacy : Do what? Kissing you? That's nothing special. It's just a kiss, Nick.

Nick : You think it's just a kiss but it's not for me. I know you already knew that I had a girlfriend now, right?

Lacy : I know, and she's watching there.

Lacy pointing at the bar's door. Nick turned around and saw Amanda there, wearing her T-shirt and jeans while hold her tears. Nick shocked again. He's speechless. He didn't know what to say to her. Amanda saw him with an angry look and then she walked away. Nick quickly ran outside the bar to chase Amanda. 

In the back, Lacy is smiling.


Amanda is packing her stuffs back to her suitcase. Her eyes is red and full of tears that she holds. Nick stand behind her.

Nick : Amanda, I can explain okay? It doesn't like what you saw there.

Nick hold her arm to stop her packing but Amanda pulled her arm and packing back her stuffs.

Nick : Amanda...

Amanda then looked at him.

Amanda : You may want to explain, but I don't want to know it. I've seen enough. 

Nick : Please, Amanda, don't go. 

Amanda : No, I'm leaving now. Goodbye, Nick.

Once again, Amanda left him alone with a broken heart. 

Amanda Rollins Was Kidnapped (rewriting)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang