She's Breathless

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Nick's POV

I cut the rope and hold Amanda while I call the ambulance. I can feel her pulse and her breath. But, she's breathing hardly. Suddenly, she opens her eyes and look at me.

Amanda : Nick,

Nick : Shhh, don't say any words. You can't breathe later if you're talking too much.

I rub her head and her blonde hair. She looks so pale. I started to crying.

Amanda : No. I.. I have some... hahhhh.. something to say to you.

Nick : No. Please don't say any words. The ambulance is on the way.

Amanda : I love you.

After say that, Amanda breathing difficulty and wheezing.

Amanda's POV

I can't breathe. I can't breathe. Oh My God. I can't breathe. I just can't.

Nick : Amanda! Just breathe, Amanda!

Me : I... I can't!

It's like there's no oxygen around me. Maybe, the destiny said that I have to die tonight.

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