Finally, we knew (2)

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Nick's POV

I finished bandaging Amanda's hand. And Amanda just say that she knows why Lewis attacked her. Wow.

Me : Amanda, how do you know?

Amanda : I watching Olivia interrogating him. And then I knew it.

Me : What's the reason, Amanda?

Amanda remain silent. She didn't say anything.

Me : Amanda.

Amanda : Okay, I'll tell you, Nick.

Me : Okay. Then, why?

Amanda : He says he's attacked me because...

Me : Because???

Amanda : He says because I'm fun to playing with.

Me : Playing with? PLAYING WITH?! 

Amanda : Hmm.

Amanda's POV

I know Nick is gonna be mad. So mad. I saw Olivia just standing in front of us. Quietly.

Nick : What kind of "PLAYING WITH"?!

Olivia : Nick, calm down.

Nick : I'm gonna punch him right on his face!

Nick walks to the interrogation room. Olivia follows him. And I just sit and not going anywhere. I saw Nick punched Lewis' face. I saw Lewis' nose is bleeding. I saw Olivia want to stop Nick but she can't. I can't do anything right now. My brain is kinda blank. I don't know what to do. I just want to kill myself.

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