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Amanda's POV

After Lewis shoot Nick, he drop the gun at the floor and ran away. I stand up while carrying my infuse.


But Lewis keep running out. A nurse heard me yelled and came into my room.

Nurse : OMG, what happen?!

Me : William Lewis shoot Nick! Don't touch anything!! It's a crime scene! Go call the doctor, NOW!!

The nurse nodded and run away to the hallway and looking for the doctor.

Nick's POV

I lay down on the floor. I looked up and saw Amanda. I can't say anything. I saw blood is running out from my chest. Amanda seems calling me to stay but I can't. My eyes is so tired. I closed my eyes.

Amanda's POV
I saw Nick is closing his eyes. Because the doctor is not coming at all, I ripped Nick's shirt and start to do CPR. I can see the bullet hole is on his chest. Right at the heart.
Me : Nick, come on wake up and stay with me!!
I keep doing CPR and then the doctor came in and told me make a distance so they can move Nick onto the stroller bed. After the nurses pick up Nick and place him on the stroller bed, they rush to the surgery room. One female nurse stay with me.
Nurse : Amanda, you have to stay here.
Me : What if something happened to him? I can't be here!
Nurse : But you have to. Come here. Let me calm you down. Just hope that Nick is going to be okay.

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