Together? Together.

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Nick's POV

While everyone was looking at me, I froze. I looked at Carisi. Carisi looked at me back. He seems like happy that Amanda and I were fight. I took off my coat and walk fiercely to Carisi.


I punched Carisi right at his mouth. Then, his mouth starts bleeding. Carisi punched me back at my stomach then my mouth. I feel the sickness and I feel the blood running out from my mouth.

Carisi : You deserve nothing, Amaro! Especially Rollins! Rollins deserves ME! NOT YOU, ASSHOLE!!

Me : What did you just say? Asshole? That I deserve nothing? YOU SON OF A BITCH! DON'T EVER BOTHER ME OR AMANDA! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO SHOULD DESERVE NOTHING!

Carisi and I started to fight. Everybody just watching us like it's a film. Then Olivia came between us and yelled. She told Carisi and I to came into her office. 


Amanda's POV

I can't believe it. I ran away from Nick. I don't know what to do now. I don't want to kill myself because I know Nick will find me and I hate hospital. 

I'm in my apartment, sitting on my couch, and blank. I grabbed my phone and find Nick's number. I want to call him. But when I want to press his number, I lock my phone and throw it wildly at the table. I opened my coat, my shoes, changed my jeans into jogger pants and opened my shirt and wear a white crop tee. I walk to the refrigerator and take a box of orange juice. Then I throw myself onto the couch, drink my juice, and start watching TV. But then, my phone rings. It's Nick.

Me : Rollins

Nick : Amanda, please forgive me. 

Me : No. 

Nick : Amanda, Carisi isn't a detective in here anymore. He's out by himself. 

Me : What? 

Nick : Yeah, he's out. 

I froze. I didn't think Carisi will just out because he didn't get his love. Carisi is such a jerk.

Nick : Now, Amanda, please, if you forgive me, I'll forgive you. 

I froze. I stood up and sit vertically. 

Me : You will?

Nick : I will. Now, will you forgive me?

Me : Okay, I will.  Now, forgive me? 

Nick : I already did. Can I come to your apartment? 

I smiled. I relief that Nick and I didn't get seperated. 

Me : Of course. 

Nick : Oh yeah, Amanda?

Me : What?

Nick : Together?

I smiled. 

Me : Together.

Amanda Rollins Was Kidnapped (rewriting)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant