Chapter 23- Days go on.

Start from the beginning

I looked down and started making circles on the carpet with my toes.

" Of course I know that Marissa, I know it more then anybody in this world. The words came just a little bit wrong out of your mouth love, just a little bit" He said and a smile appeared on his face.

" Can I come back to bed?" He asked and looked up.

" Don't even have to ask" Niall said smiling and opened his arms.

" So about the work?" He said as I sat down on his lab.

" We can talk about that later" I said and kissed his lips.

The days went on. Niall was busy in the studio, the kids were growing up and I didn't mention work once with Niall. I went many times down there to visit but I always said that I was gonna begin working when Michael was old enough to have daycare or something like that. But that was just a lie. I would begin working when I had the nerves to talk to Niall about it. 

As I said, days went on, and before we knew it Niall gave out his first album in December. It was a huge hit. The popular song on the cd climbed it's way up the billboard and stayed there for a long time. It still is number 1.

But that meant less time with Niall. He was busy doing interviews, visiting towns, doing concerts and more and more. I was so afraid that he wouldn't spend Christmas eve with us but Niall came and we had a wonderful time. The Christmas went on, Ally's belly gets bigger every day and Thomas is getting 1 years old in February.

We celebrated the New year all together. Liam, Zayn and Isabella (or Bella as we like to call her), Harry, Ally and the belly and finally Louis, Brittany and little Thomas.

So it's the middle of January now. 

" It's freezing outside" I said as I closed the door behind Amelia who ran in on her shoes.

" Amelia you are wetting the floor ! Come over here" I yelled after he but she was gone. 

I took of my jacket and ran my fingers through my hair.

" Niall?" I asked as I walked into the living room.

No wonder he didn't answer me.

He was asleep on the couch with Michael, also asleep,on his chest.

A white looking puddle was on the floor and when I looked up I saw that Niall was holding Michael's bottle in his hand. 

I tried not to laugh as I took the bottle carefully out of his hand and put it on the table.

I took Niall's hand and put it on the sofa so he would be more comfortable then having it hanging down.

I looked at them one last time before I turned around and made my way to Amelia's room.

" Amelia Horan, what did daddy say about walking in on dirty shoes?" I asked and leaned my shoulder to the doorway.

" He said do it" She said without taking her eyes of the colour book.

" Amelia" I said and waited for the right answer. She was probably doing her homework because she looked so focus. That's right, my little baby is at her first year in school.

" Alright" She said sad and put the pencil down. " I go down with my shoes" She said and took of her shoes.

" I just don't wanna mop the floor 10 times a week love" I said and kissed her on the for head before we walked together down stairs.

" You want some fruits before you continue doing your homework ?" I asked her before she walked up the stairs.

" Yummy yes" She said and smiled.

" Come on then" I said smiling and together we walked into the kitchen.

I got some strawberries, bananas , apples and grapes and cut them in tiny pieces.

I put all in one bowl and put it down on the table for me and Amelia.

I was about to sit down when Niall's mobile started ringing.

" You start love I'm gonna answer it" I said and smiled. Amelia nodded her head and stuck her fork in the middle of the bowl.

I picked up Niall's phone. It said Greg.

" Hi Greg" I said and smiled. 

" Oh hey Marissa....Is Niall there?" He asked. I heard that something was wrong.

I walked out of the kitchen.

" He's asleep, is something wrong Greg?" I asked worried. Maybe he had a cold or something that made his voice like that.

I heard Greg sniff up in his voice.

" Greg what is it?" My heart was pounding a lot harder when he didn't answer right away.

" Dad got a heart attack few hours ago....He didn't make it"

Saved forever -Sequel of I'll save you (Niall Horan)Book nr.3Where stories live. Discover now