Gunna by a Cheap Bouquet

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A/N This is the last chapter of this story, if  I get requests for a sequel I will write one, but all stories, fanfictions included, must come to an end. I want to thank everyone for reading and voting and making writing this story  fun. ~fuenciadofrerard~

*Quite some time later* 


I sat cross legged on a beach towel, Ria was next to me on my right, and Vic was holding my hand to my left. I looked at him and smiled. My Mom walked up with 4 chocolate milkshakes. She'd been home a lot more lately, and she'd really taken a liking to Vic, and even offered to spread the name of his band around when she did go away for buisness, and they were already becoming more known. 

As for the other members of the band, they were splashing eachother like idiots in the ocean, Ria was eyeing one of them in particular-Tony-very dreamily. I nudged Vic with my cold milkshake and motioned towards Ria. He followed her gaze and smirked, setting his shake down and walking over to my now 15 year old sister Maria. He scooped her up bridal style and ran toward the water. 

She shrieked the whole way. 

Once deep enough Vic dropped her and him, Jaime, and his brother Mike started cackling, but Tony looked quite mortified as he helped the salt-water drenched Ria  up and pulled her into him. Ria tugged at her wet mess of hair, trying her best to look cute as she sat in fucking Tony Perry's tattooed arms. Her face was the color of a lobster. Suddenly Tony pulled back and reached under the water, Vic was making his way back up the beach with Jaime. 

Tony then held a little turtle out to my sister, who held in her hands before looking at Tony who hugged her and took the little guy back, letting him go off into the unkown. Ria and Tony were hitting something off, I'll give you that. 

Vic and Jaime walked up to me all smiles, but then Jaime grabbed both of my arms and Vic my legs and they ran me down the beach to the water. 

"YOU DICKS MADE ME DROP MY MILKSHAKE!" I screached, thrashing about, but Vic's guitar toned arms were much to strong and before long I was dropped under the salty water. 

I glared at Vic through my wet bangs and he tried pulling me into a hug, but not before I could shove him under the water. When he came back up he looked at me playfully, 

"It's on," and then he splashed me. 

As I went to splash him back he grabbed both my arms and held them while he kissed me. The boys pretended to gag and I tore my hand out of Vic's grasp to flip them off.

"I love you," he whispered when he pulled away.

"I love you too."  

The Next Day... 

I sat on my bed, trying to not move, as the sunburn I got yesterday at the beach was not the most comfortable thing to deal with. I heard the doorbell ring and moaned, signally my mother, who was still home, or Ria to answer it. I assumed they did when I heard Vic making soft conversation with Ria on his way down the hall.He stopped in front of my door, holding something behind his back as he knelt beside my bed. 

"Looking good babe," he kissed my cheek lightly. I laughed and pushed him away playfully

He then pulled out,from behind his back, the mosty raggity, absurd, cheap looking bouquet of flowers I had ever seen.

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