I Still Think You're Beautiful

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A/N I love this story so much oh my goodness, I don't even know why, it is just coming along exactly how I want it too I guess. Remember to check out my other works. Oh and that over the song this chapter is titled after ^_^ Thanks for reading! 

~Meadow (fuenciadofrerard)


“You don’t deserve this you know.” He said.

“I do.” I said, staring straight ahead toward my closet. He shook his head and brushed over the skin on my knuckles.

“Y-you really really don’t.” He seemed to be pleading.

“I’m ready.” I said. He sat cross legged on my bed now and faced me.


 “I’ll tell you.”


I nodded. “Everything.”

-      -    -


I sat on my bed on tumblr, scrolling through photos of nutella and sunsets. I noticed I had an ask and perked up. Nobody ever asked me anything. I was tumblr unfamous. It was anonymous.

“You’re ugly like your failure sister.”

Well, okay. I clicked respond,

          “Go away.”

Then I shut the laptop and sighed, and went to check on Erin in the room next to me. She sat with Vic, and they apparently didn’t notice me leaning outside the bedroom door.

“Derek h-hits me.” Erin said, a choking sobbing sound emanating out of her after words. Vic pulled her into his arms.

Erin said Derek only hit her that once. That he loved her, he was just angry. That he treated her like a princess and she had deserved it that once. What was I missing? Something was missing from the story. But I thought she told me everything.

I guess I was wrong.

And I decided eavesdropping was wrong, so I slunk back into my room and logged back on to find 3 more spiteful messages waiting for me.


I was in Vic’s arms. He was telling me it was alright and he wasn’t going to let anyone touch my ever again because I deserved better than the way Derek had treated me. He told me to continue, he knew there was more.

I shook with tears.

“My dad died when I was 8. Ria was 4 or 5, I don’t remember. It was either a few days before or after her 5th birthday.” He pulled me closer but said nothing. A silent understanding, I suppose.

“I was really close to my Dad, because he was always home. And my mom, as you can see, is never home. I’ve basically raised Ria. I even signed her up for Kindergarten myself.”

“You’re a remarkably strong person.” He said to me, finally letting me go.

I held out my scarred arms and looked at them.

“Even with these?”

“Yes. Even with those.”

The Cheap BouquetNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ