Will Someone Tell Me What It Means To Be Alive?

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A/N I say it is definitely passed due to bring Ria back into this story, especially to know how she’s feeling. So enjoy this, sorry for the delay in updates…I’ve had some stuff going on that I needed to figure out before I could continue writing. But I’m doing better now! ~fuenciadofrerard

[Ria] (2 weeks later.)

       I woke up and began to get ready for school, it was Monday. I moaned in disgust and flung open my closet, loud enough to wake the sleeping Erin, and Vic, who had slept over…again. I swear if they weren’t so damn cute together, I’d be kicking him out, I don’t care if I’m the young one here. It was cool to meet a guy in a band that I so dearly admire, however I hadn’t planned on him sucking face with my sister, and certainly didn’t plan on my Mom agreeing with all these…sleepovers.

      “Could you be a little quieter over there Ria?!” I heard Vic yell gently, but urgently, like “Shut the fuck up,” was more his meaning.

      “It’s time to get up, maybe if you weren’t so busy eating each other, you’d notice!” I slightly regretted what I said, but not enough to apologize as I threw on a tye-died tee-shirt and gray skinnies, setting the outfit in black converse.

      Erin trudged by, dressed in an extremely long black tank-top, white skull on the front, with white leggings underneath, still with no shoes on. Followed by Vic who was wearing an oddly floral patterned button up, an Anthem Made snapback and black skinnies, not going to lie, Erin had snagged a good one, but his constant presence often reminded me of how the only people I had was them, and Kianna of course, but even she was a little…judgmental.

      I walked into the kitchen where Erin was busying herself pouring two cups of coffee as Vic buttered some toast like it was his job. It felt as though I was there child, mom had been home about 2 nights since I hurt myself, too excited for Erin to notice the scars, not that I cared. Her absence had long since proved itself normal; it felt awkward when she was home.

      Vic set a plate of toast in front of me as they both sat with me at the counter, but I wasn’t interested. I wasn’t a breakfast type and while I could sense Vic thought I was starving myself, Erin knew I had never really been a breakfast person.

[Erin] (4 hours later)

      I sat in Geometry, avoiding Derek’s gazes from beside me, trying to focus on the lesson at hand. This was one of the few classes I had without Vic, and was one of the hardest parts of my day. Since Vic sent that message, Derek had been supposedly “sleeping around,” in hopes it would send me crawling back out of jealousy. Trust me, it wasn’t working.

      “Psst, slut.” He whispered toward me. Coming from anyone else, the comment would have made me cry, but coming from Derek, it meant virtually nothing.

      “I’d answer, or else.” He sneered, leaning over to spit the last word into my face. I cringed, his breath reaked of cigarettes and whiskey, looks like someone’s habits only got worse without me to beat on constantly.

      “Derek, Erin, would you like to share that with the rest of us.” Mr. Shaker looked as us, the class silency and starring me, and Derek down, knowing about the fall out, and his sleeping around, and my being with Vic.

I ducked my head and mumbled, “No sir, sorry to interrupt.” Derek had another idea.

      “Sorry Mr. S, just trying to talk to Erin here about her pregnancy.” He sneered. Everyone seemed to stop breathing. I just stared at him, wide-eyed, unable to defend myself.

      “I-I’m not-” The tears fell quicker than I could stop them, I picked up my papers and ran out the door, the class snickering obscenities at me as I went. Mr. S called after me, but I was too hurt to care. The rumors would start, and they’d be awful, and what would Vic say, would he believe them?

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