Nobody Prays For The Heartless

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     She slept in the all white hospital bedding for hours, doctors moving in and out, around and around, drawing blood, making tests, glancing at eachother nervously, then to me, and to Erin once again. Nobody said anything to me. After the commotion in her ER room seemed to tone down a bit, I moved my chair right up the edge of her bed, picking up her stitched up and bandaged arm, kissing it lightly. What triggered this outbreak? She'd been doing so, so good lately, how on Earth had I missed that she might be slipping back to her old habits? I let a few tears slip down my cheek and rested my head across her stomach. 

   After 20 minutes or so, she stirred slightly and I lifted my head off of her. Her blue eyes fluttered open gently, I smiled down at her.

  "Oh Vic I-" She began to apologize but I stopped her. 

  "It's alright, I'm right here, you're okay and that's all I care about." I wiped away a few tears as quick as I could, Erin could not see me crying, I had to be strong-for her. 

  "Are you c-crying because of m-me?" She began to shake and look at me, tears spilling out of her eyes and onto her face. 

 "No no no." I promised her, wiping them away before kissing her cheek gently. She sighed and held onto me tightly, I wrapped my arms around her lightly and pulled her into my lap on the edge of the bed. She was so light, too light. 

 Someone in the doorway cleared their throat, I thought it might be Ria or possibly even Erin's mother, however she was supposed to be away on a 3 week trip. I turned to see who it was, anger immediatly boiling into my cheeks and eyes. 


When Vic turned to se who it was at the door, I immediatly knew something was very wrong. I already felt awful about making him bring me to the hospital-again. God I was seriously a peice of work. I sighed as the mystery visitor came into veiw. 


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