Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to Lucy Harlow

I felt a soft hand ran its long fingers through my hair and I sighed. This felt good, I could sleep a little longer if this keeps up. I purred and I heard a smooth voice chuckle. 

Wait..what the hell? 

I immediately sprang up, my eyes widened in fear until I saw it was my ''supposed'' Dad. I relaxed and sighed. He gave me a warm smile but I could see some curiosity in his red eyes. 

''I'm fine, you just scared me is all.''I grumbled when he put a hand to my forehead. Dad clucked his tongue and for a split second I saw it was forked_like a snake's...I wonder if mine's the same..Could I still get a tongue ring if it was...? I always wanted one, but my mother just looked at me like I was crazy whenever I asked. Guess Angels weren't too big on body piercings..

Yet ANOTHER reason I hate Angels.

Not all Angels, anyways, I thought as I winced when my Dad brushed my hair off my shoulder, revealing my neck. I glanced down and my fists tightened into the satin black sheets. My Dad noticed this and took one of my hands in his own and studied it. He was probably seeing my entire life in my palm...then again as The Devil, he probably could. He rubbed over a jagged old scar and I visibly paled and jerked. When I felt him stiffen ad the air grow heavier, I let out a long exhale. That scar was sensitive to touch; really sensitive.  

I heard a low growl that vibrated the air around me and the hairs on the back of my neck stood n  end. Oh..shit...

I hurriedly tried to calm the situation before he could flip out and suffocate me. I was half-Angel after all. I would suffer if he changed, what happened at the house proved it...''I-I'm fine...just don't touch some of my scars...The ones that are slightly red, they're really sensitive...'''I mumbled.

I looked over at Dad, he was sitting on a straightback chair that looked carefully designed (not to mention, expensive.) ''They used blessed silver then, since yhu're half you only received a sensitive scar.'' He snorted and I tried to glare at him. Though it probably turned out a pout when he cupped my cheek. ''Let me show what happens with a full demon like me.'' 

He suddenly started to take off his thin black sweater, mind in a far-away place. My face felt unbearably hot as I sat, transfixed and watched. Oh my God...he's got a eight-pack..wait...what am I doing..? I scrunched my eyes shut and puffed my cheeks as I fought myself not to take another look. Oh my god...I was ogling my own  Dad's abs...I'm sick.. SICK AND TWISTED...

But there were some really good abs, though...I wonder if all demons are like that..if so, I like here already..

I heard my Dad chuckle as he finally finished and sat on the bed. I cracked open an eye and found him giving me an amused grin. I stuck my tongue at him. A black gold chain hung on his neck, glistening softly.

I gasped when I saw his back. Scars_horrid black and faded brown scars_just looked like he'd been tortured! What the hell?! Who in their fucking mind tries to inflicte such wounds on The prince of Hell? They must've been pretty damn stupid, I thought sourly.

My hand reached out to touch one but when I did, I nearly fainted. A surge of similar to jumping into a pool of water with a toaster. I retched, but no sound came from me. i saw images; there was so much blood..i saw bodies...and a little boy that looked just like Dad was holding his knees to his tiny bare chest, crying bloody tears out of his eyes. He was rocking himself back and forth, repeating the same phrase over and over, ''Mamma ... Papà ... I.. I.. Mi dispiace tanto .. non ho potuto lottare con te ... Vorrei essere più forte ... poi ho potuto aiutato .. e non sarebbe così freddo ... si sarebbe ancora qui ...dolce madre e padre .. perchè mi hai lasciato?'' 

His Little Devil-Angel; The Life Of Ananielle L.J. Pandora (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now