Chapter 1

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Snap! Crackle! Pop! Sticks where being broken behind me and under my feet. Males those sick males and there mating rituals for all werewolves.

They where hunting me hoping for a chance for me to become there mate. Fat chance not one has beat me in my entire existence.

They where the loudest wolves I've ever heard that where chasing after me. They where tiring quickly, they where of a low status in the pack ranks.

I run from the wolves if they give a chase, I know I can fight them but the less cuts I get the happier I will be. They where slowing and I sprinted fast ahead leaping over a log with a long jump landing perfectly balanced and continued running.

I heard them growl in frustration about losing me but I continued, no way would I let a male wolf mate me. I was a lone wolf not some pack wolf that will bare pups for the male wolf. I refused to be a breeding item to raise there numbers.

Slowing down to a river that was coming up I jumped in slower than what I was running before and dunked my head to get rid of my scent trail for them to fallow. Leaping up to the other side I raced up the slope and looked for another cave to stay in for the time being. I would stay for a few days for rest before moving on unless a male finds me again and then the running and fighting cycle starts again all over. I'm never left alone by the male wolves, the ones who don't catch me but find another female wolf will got back and tell the pack about me.

Male wolves like the challenge but they should learn to give up there pride and stop. I despise the rouge females that don't put up a fight to the male wolf or run, they will never know there true potential, they are weak and will take any wolf that comes by.

Finally finding a cave I walked in, it was already empty any scents that would be on the ground outside of the cave where stale. Hopping up onto a ledge of the cave and climbed higher up as I was deep in the cave I was hidden from sight but could see everything going on around me.

Settling down I looked at the cave entrance far from my spot with little to no light shining through, it was becoming night, the full moon would be tomorrow. Any wolf of age was essentially kicked out to find a mate. Yay! More wolves to scurry around a fight. It was going to be a long next two weeks. The last two of the month where quieter and less running and fighting, more saving up my strength. Well unless I get up into a tree and move from there for the weeks but that's boring and I still have to eat and drink.

The sad thing about having a human mind is I get bored easily. That hardly happens in pack life but I'd rather be bored than stuck in a pack as a tool. Settling my head on my paws I feel asleep with that last thought.

World of Wolves(1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang