Chapter 8 - nightmare

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A living hell. That's what it was.

But he deserved it.

And he had no where else to go.

He was broken.

Not only some of his bones, he was broken on the inside.

It wasn't that his heart was broken or anything like that, it was more like his soul was screaming, aching.

The first person, who wasn't his mother, that he had begun to see as family, now hated him. He could never go home.


'What is that noise?' Morgana thought as she woke up.

Clang, crash the noise continued in an irregular pattern. It came from the dungeon, she realized.

Morgana felt not only irritated to be awoken; who would dare wake her? She also felt curious to find out what had disturbed her slumber, so Morgana exited her bedroom and walked down the stone stairs of the dungeon.

She was left speechless by what she saw.

It was Emrys, holding the sword Arthur had thrown him just before she captured him. She had let him have it because she knew he was horrible with a sword and that he couldn't get out with a normal mortal blade. But the sword seemed to be guiding him. He acctually seemed to be pulling with HIS whole body against it. I will never understand Emrys, she thought.

"Nördtüll." It was just a small spell that would destroy the mortal sword easily. But the sword just parried it. "Ärlåndá!" She said now irritated. Emrys gave away a small chuckle. But it didn't sound at all like the young man she had once called friend. This man was just plainly broken. She nearly felt bad for him, but then she remembered that this man was the one who killed her sister, poisoned her and fought so she couldn't get her throne.

He was also the boy who had shown her that magic wasn't cruel. The real evil came from the people. He had been so kind, even taken her to a druid village.

So she just screamed.

Merlin looked up. Morgana had just made the most awful sound he had never heard. It was so desperate for help. It was so lonely and confused. The sound digged up every sad he had inside and just made him want to crawl into a hole and cry, but also comfort the girl infront of him. But he knew she wasn't that girl anymore. The girl the was so lovely it was hard not to fall for her. How could that wonderful girl have transformed into this killing monster?

He had given up on fighting the sword about the same time as Morgana had fired her second spell. He had already nearly given all of his enegy earlier that day to not break down infront of Morgana while she was interrogating him. He figured that fighting it was useless.

One of the handcuffs had been broken off by the sword. He easily a spell at the second handcuff and broke as easily as if it was made of glass. That was when Morgana was thrown back to reality, and shot a spell at him. He easily parried.

They kept on fighting, and suddenly they where outside the dark castle. Merlin, his mind somewhere else, never shot a spell back at her. Morgana was pantning like she had just ran a mile.

And Merlin was mostly working on refexes. He became more and more unintrested about what was happening for each minute. He had just understood that he had lost his purpose. There was no need to fight.

So he stopped.

/an: hello
i am alive
it has litterally been a year since i updated this story and it went into a great place:)))
so i am not as big of a fan of Merlin as i was when i begun writing here, and it has happend a lot in the last year, but i am trying to start updating here again:)

if someone is reading, thank you<3/


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