Rest In Peace

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That afternoon came too quick. Today was Anná's funeral. I was dressed in silver and black and my hair was up in a bun. I stood beside Celebrim and Rion, who got out of bed to came. He had my arm and I felt that he was shaking with rage and pain. Eormer hung his head and I bit my lip so hard that blood filled my mouth.
Anná was dressed a dark green dress with her beautiful hair was covered with small white and blue flowers. She looked so beautiful and happy. As her body pasted us, we threw rose petals onto the glass box. Then the box was lowed into the ground. I dropped down in front of the box and picked up some dirt.
"I know you can hear me. This is not in vain. No one will lose their lives for nothing." Tears choked in my throat but my clear voice echoed around. My heart was shattered and I was filled with rage and I gently threw the dirt over my daughter.

Legolas's Pov
Vilya slowly got off the ground, wiping her green eyes. She had lose two children in one day. I held her close and felt he pain in my heart. Anorth will pay for everything that he had done. Now he was coming towards the White City with a up huge army. And we had nothing to his armies. Vilya walked over to me and I pulled her over to me. Her tears made small drops on my silver shirt. My heart burnt with rage. My only daughter lay in the cold, hard ground, her mother broken. Vilya had lost so much. Her mother, sister, father and now two children. It was never to be this way. We were meant to live together in peace. This was all my fault. If I had not gone to see Tauriel and spoken to Vilya instead of shouting at her, this would never have happened. Vilya would not have left home and Anná wouldn't have been captured. I was too blame. I walked away and left Vilya with Aragorn.

Vilya's Pov

Legolas walked away, I could feel his rage and pain. Aragorn hugged me, but I pushed him away and quickly followed Legolas.

He walked for sometime until he reached a garden and sat down on a bench. The same bench were he had asked me to marry him. The memory brought a smile to my lips, but I walked over and sat down next to him.
"This is all my fault. If I had not gone to speak with Tauriel and if I had just spoken to you and not shouted then this would never have happen." I rubbed his shoulder and gently replied
"This happened for a reason. Nothing is chance. This is fate." I stood up and said
"If I go will you follow me. You don't have not be alone."'Legolas looked at me and I said again
"Will you follow me?" He stood up and I whispered
"Anorth wants a fight, when he will have one."
"And I will fight with you." I turned to face King Thranduil of Mirkwood, with tears sparkling in his eyes.

Celebrimbor's Daughter and Thranduil's Son 2 (Legolas Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now