A Long Road

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Vilya had a strong mind and a courageous heart. She walked towards Mordor, leading the way. The place where her father died to save her and her mother and sister murdered by Sauron. She had gone to Mordor to find something. What is was, I couldn't tell. Arwen walked towards me, dressed in a red and black dress with her sword strapped to her side. Pippin followed her with Oropher following. His hand had not left his sword from the moment we had walked out the gates of my city. He was afraid but his heart was filled with courage, he didn't know it.
"Arwen lead the way." I commanded and she gave me a smile and started to lead the way.
"Oropher, a friend once told me something. Can you guess what it is?" He looked thoughtfully, then shook his head.
"He said, that true courage is not how to take a life, but how to spare one." Oropher looked at me and I continued
"It is true. It is to kill someone, but it is harder to save a life. It takes true courage and strength to spare a life."
"What about orcs? Do they count?" He asked,
"Yes and no. Think about what I said and tell why it is yes and no." I jogged ahead and took Arwen's hand.

"My lord?"
"Oropher, please just Aragorn."
"Aragorn, I have thought about what you said and I have an answer." I nodded and he walked next to me and said
"Yes, that can apply to Orcs because they are life forms. And no, for they killed for the fun of it." I smiled and replied
"You are one smart elf, Oropher. Your father trained you well."
"My mother taught me." I gave a small laugh.
"And I am not surprised." We shared a smile.

"It must be morning tea time now." Pippin said. I turned around and said
"That does not happen in the middle of nowhere." I chucked him an apple and Arwen smiled. Oropher walked in silence and I could tell something was no his mind. Before I said anything, Arwen walked over.
"Oropher, something is on your mind." She watched his face. He looked at her and replied
"I am worried for my family." For the first time, I noticed Celebrim trailing behind his face covered with his hood. I stopped and waited for him.
"Celebrim, are you okay?" He nodded and pushed off his hood.
"Anná was everything to me. Now she is home. For all I know, she could be lying dead in the middle of a forest." Tears sparkled on his fair cheeks. I put an arm around his shoulders.
"Celebrim, do you feel like your sister is dead?" He shook his head.
"Then believe and have hope. Without hope, all is lost." I said and he nodded. It was going to be a long road ahead. We had eachother and we would stay together. Then I heard in my head
Aragorn, help me!
"VILYA!" I screamed and started running back towards Mordor.

Celebrimbor's Daughter and Thranduil's Son 2 (Legolas Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now