Houses of Healing

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One Day Later
We had returned to Gondor and to the palace of the White City. I sat by the window. I had lose two children.  I had a miscarriage that night when we found Anná's body. I leaned my head against the window frame.
"I am so sorry.' I turned around to face my father. He sat down next to me.
"This is what Sauron does. Kill those you love." He placed a hand on my shoulder. Tears slipped out of my eyes and dripped onto my tan dress.
"My children who is next?" I whispered. Father sighed and replied
"You. You are his target. The last of the line of Celebrimbor." He hung his head.
"Ada, I am proud to be your daughter. I was happily die for our name." Father looked at me and said gently
"There is something you need to know." He waved his hand and I was surround in a misty blue light then it faded and I was seeing the past. Father's voice could be heard.

"I never made the Ring. I made all the other rings, save the One Ring. I forged it with Sauron. He was my best friend and he betrayed me. So I took the ring from him. It was never mine to have. I built an Orc army and a fortress in Mordor. But I had underestimated the power of Sauron." While my father was talking, all these scene flashed in my face.
"He came and the Ring betrayed me.  Sauron took me prisoner and that was the day your mother and sister died. I escaped and took you from our house. I gave you to Lord Elrond." The blue mist vanished and I was standing in my healing room. Father was sitting by the window. I sat back down next to him.
"Father why?" A knock on the door made us both jump.
"Come in!" When I turned back to my father, his blue ghost has disappeared. Legolas walked in and suddenly the feelings I had been keeping deep inside of me came out. I sobbed into Legolas's warm and strong arms. He gently rocked me and I felt his tears drip down my neck. We stood in eachother arms for among time.

We walked together to have lunch. Everyone was waiting for us.
"Sorry to keep you waiting." I said. Arwen gave a sad smile and replied
"Not a problem, my dear." I returned the smile and sat down in between Eoywn and Tauriel.
"Where's  Rion?" I asked. Gimli looked up from his plate of food and replied
"How is he?"
"He is doing fine." Faramir replied. I nodded and started to eat. But nothing had a taste or smell. That day went past in a blur.

Celebrimbor's Daughter and Thranduil's Son 2 (Legolas Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora