The House Of Celebrimbor

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One Day Later
I walked into the palace in the Misty Mountains. This was my father's house and now it was mine. The doors swing open and a young girl walked towards me.
"Welcome back my lady." I smiled and walked into the palace. I had been there a few times with Legolas. I was lead to my room and slowly walked into the huge room, where a beautiful tan and brown dress lay out on the bed and a hot bath around the corner.

After I was dressed and had my dress on, I did my hair in a fancy bun and walked out into the garden. Then my tears came. I cried for my father and my mother. I cried for my children. I cried for Legolas and the pain in my heart. Tears dripped, making wet dots on my dress. I rubbed a tear around and around between my fingers.
"Vilya?" I turned to face the blue ghost of my father.
"Father!" I said with joy and he sat down next to me.
"Vilya, you have a family to look after and children to raise. Why are you here?" I wiped away more tears and replied
"I did not believe Legolas loves me anymore. He seems so distracted and distant." Father put a ghostly arm over my shoulder.
"I will not help you or gore you council. This is your life. You can make your own choices. But I will say one thing. Have hope, while there is still light to see by." Father faded into the air and I sat hugging my knees and rocking back and forth for some time.

I lay on the grass, staring out the sky, when a soft familiar voice said
"Vilya?" I sat up to face Legolas. He sat down in front of me and said
"I didn't the wrong thing to shout at you. But I have not been unfaithfully to you." He stared into my eyes. Then our lips met and I forgave him.

We lay toward in the grass, my head on his chest and his hands in my hair.
"Legolas, I wanted to tell you that I am with a child." Legolas stopped and sat up. I sat up and he looked at me.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes I am very sure!" Legolas looked away from me and I got to my feet. He slowly got to his feet and then he smiled.
"I am very proud of you."
"You're not saying something." He sighed and replied
"The world is not safe anymore. Orcs are starting to move again. The enemy will look for us and want to kill us." I gently placed my head on his chest.
"I know. Our children will be safe. Always." Legolas hugged me and I wrapped my arms around him, holding him close, hoping that he will never let go.

There was a shout.
"My lord, my lady!" We stood up and a messanger came racing towards us.
"My lord, it's Anná! She was kidnapped by orcs!"

Celebrimbor's Daughter and Thranduil's Son 2 (Legolas Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now