Someone To Trust

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"Vilya!" He dismounted and I raced into his arms. I was dripping with water and when I pulled away, Aragorn was damp.
"Oropher, do you remember me?" Aragorn asked. Oropher shook his head and Aragorn smiled.
"He was grown up to look like Thranduil." I smiled and Aragorn embraced him. Then I watched the young man dismount and walked to greet us.
"Vilya, Thai is my son,Rion." Rion was elvish was crown or in other words, a king to be.
"Rion, it is an honour to met you." I gave him a small hug and he smiled. His smiled was like Arwen's.
"Where is the lady Arwen?" Aragorn smiled and said
"She waits in the palace for me. Vilya, what are you doing here?"

I took him everything that had happened to Anná and that I was with another child. He spouts sat and listened, like he also did. When I had finished he replied slowly
"Vilya, we will start a search. Also Gimli may want to help. He has come over to visit." I smiled
"Legolas will be most pleased." Aragorn smiled back. Then I said
"Aragorn, dark have been my dreams of late."
"Mine also. A darkness is returning."

We stopped for the night by some grassy  hills. Aragorn's men made a fire and cooked supper while I sat and listened to Aragorn and Rion tell what had been going on.
"I wish Gandalf where here." I said under my breath. Aragorn nibbled at his bread and replied
"Or Elrond. Did you know that Elladan was lord of Rivendell?"
"No I did not." I replied, eating my soup.
"What was become of Eomer?"
"He is visiting Gondor and the lady Eowyn. They will help us." I nodded and put down my soup. Rion watched me and said softly
"Are you not hungry?" I shook my head and lay down on the soft grass, letting sleep carry me away.

The next morning, we started before the sun got up. It was wonderful to ride, watching the sun rise. I rode next to Aragorn. I softly sang a song that he had taught me, many years ago,
"I'll never forget you
And you'll always be by my side
From the day that I met you
I knew that I would love you till the day I die
And I will never want much more
And in my heart I will always be sure
I will never forget you
And you'll always be by my side till the day I die."
Aragorn leaned over and squeezed my hand.
"She is alive and we will find her. I promise you, Vilya." I smiled and turned to see Oropher and Rion talking about sword tricks and tips. Aragorn smiled and said
"They are getting along very well." I smiled and replied
"Oropher has need of a friend, some one he can trust." Oropher was laughing and Rion had tears from laughing down his face. I laughed gently and Aragorn was smiling brightly.

Celebrimbor's Daughter and Thranduil's Son 2 (Legolas Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now