The Tower

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The first I felt was wet. My body was soaking with something cold and wet. I heard a small groan. I forced my eyes open. It was dark. But over a few minutes, my eyes got use to the darkness and I saw Rion sitting in a corner. He was groaning. I slowly walked over to him, dragging myself closer to him. I sat down next to him and he placed his head on my shoulder.
"Rion, are you hurt?" He moved his hands and showed me. His stomach was spilling out of a great cut across his middle. I bit my lip. That was the wet stuff. I had been sitting in blood. Rion gently touched my face and whispered
"Your face is covered with blood." I looked down at my hands. They were covered in blood. But not all of it was Rion"/ blood. Someone was leaning against the stone wall. Headless. I took a deep breath and started to help Rion. First I ripped off some of my dress and carefully and tightly wrapped the strip around his middle. The bleed stopped a little and the colour came back in his face. I sat close to him and hugged him as we sat in the pool of blood and dirt.

"On your feet! On your feet!" An Orc grabbed me and swung me over his shoulder and marched me away. Rion was being treated the same way.

We were carried onto the top of the tower, where a hood figure was standing and waiting. I was dropped onto the ground and my head forced up. Tauriel and Eormer were already there.
"What a lovely meeting!" I said sarcastically. Tauriel rolled her eyes and replied
"Why?" The hood figure walked up to me and I saw his face.
"Anorth." He smiled and his black hair fell into his face. Sauron's son.
"Welcome Vilya."
"Don't forget who I am." I warned. Anorth laughed and pulled out his long sword that was covered with black and dry blood.
"Daughter of Celebrimbor, face your doom!" He said with an evil smile. Instead of fighting, I sat there watching him come closer. Rion started to struggle and crying out.
"Rion, don't!" Tauriel said. He stopped, watching in horror. The sword was placed at my throat. I felt the sharp steel cut into my throat.

Instead of dying, I heard someone hiss
"Drop the sword!" Legolas. The rest of the party was standing up there with their swords in hand. Anorth took a step away from me and turned to face Legolas. Blood was trickling down my chest. The Orc that was holding me, suddenly let go. His head dropped in front of me. I jumped to my feet and turned around to face Oropher.
"Natha! Are you okay?" I nodded and watched as Rion cried out as an Orc kicked him in stomach.
"Give me your sword!" Oropher handed my his sword and I cut the orcs head. Rion lay in a pool of blood. The orcs lay dead around the battlement. Anorth had left the tower.
"Aragorn!" He raced to his son's side, Arwen following. Legolas and Celebrim ran towards me and Legolas pulled me close to his chest.
"Vilya!" We hugged and then I remembered.
"Legolas, we must search for Anná!" I raced off down the stairs back to the prison cells. My daughter was here.

We looked in every cells, until I heard Celebrim give a shout. I raced towards him and into the open door. Anná sat in the corner. Her head was leaning heavy to one side and she was covered with blood.  I dropped down by her side and placed my fingertips to her forehead. There was sign of life. Then I screamed.

Celebrimbor's Daughter and Thranduil's Son 2 (Legolas Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now