Chapter 1 the changes.

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(Guys I don't own any of the magnificent harry potter world I am just borrowing everyone to make this fanfic and I'm sorry everything is quite a mess I made this a while ago and came back to find that none of it makes sense. I'm making this in my own kind of version with events that didn't happen in the original so try not to judge too hard! thank you!

also i really do love Ron but in this I have had to make him out to be a tad bit of  a.....bart.

hope you guys enjoy)


Third person pov:

Today is the first day of Hermione's fourth year at Hogwarts and she was sitting on the train slightly lost within her thoughts as she stared at the greenery outside.

She was sitting alone in one of the train compartments which was not normal for the Gryffindor girl because she would usually be within the company of her best friends but today seemed a little different. Hermione had been feeling a little strange this morning and at random times during the morning she could hear a male voice in her head but the things he said seems distant and like his own thoughts, but after every three words the male voice would disappear. some words would come out scrambled and she could not understand them. she felt like she was going slightly insane with this weird and strange new feeling.

Hermione started playing with her hands tapping them together and then bit her lip. more strange occurrences that have happened today that have been out of the blue was a tingling in her back, two of her teeth were sharper than the rest and her senses were doubling. She was able to see in the dark better than she ever could before and her sense of smell was really good that she could smell the perfume from a couple of compartments away. She also can hear what the girls 6 compartments away are gossiping about which gave Hermione a frown. what in th world is happening? she felt as if she was a cat again but...the scenes are different...stronger...

Hermione shook her head then reached into her bag and pulled out a book on magical creatures and how to tell if you've been poisoned, bitten or stabbed by one and flipped to where her bookmark was then pulled her legs up onto the seat and leaned against the window, her eyes scanning the page.

She is looking something that would tell her what is happening to her but then her eyes caught a certain paragraph: 'When the powers of a Veela has heightened that means she/he is ready to find their rightful soul mate which also has heightened sense at the same time. The Veela blooms into a beautiful creature and has the powers to find their mate, this makes the question of there really being a greater being and the belief of there being real soulmates. It is unknown how this happens because of their being no proof of something bonding two individuals apart from the two themselves but through the spiritual side the Veela's believe it's their Goddess Eeve who chooses the rightful soul mate before birth and chooses the time to finally meet, their fates intertwined with a single unbreakable golden thread. Old pureblood wizarding families used to marry a Veela into their family for the purpose of gaining the magical abilities and so they do not have to 'dirty' their blood by bringing any non-magical folk, even half-bloods into their family.  Many wizard families have Veela blood within their family and so this is how one could become a Veela but it is very rare for this to happen because....'

Hermione was speechless for a second unsure what to think as she processed the new information. Then she shook her head. No way. She's not a Pureblood. She is from a family of muggles but then...unknowingly having a child with a Veela could be a possibility...

Hermione gave an annoyed sigh. If so then who does that voice belong to in her head then??

Suddenly Hermione could hear the voice again and this time she tried to communicate

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