Cassie and Francis

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Callie and Francis

"Francis, Frans! Aren't I just sooo pretty?", cried Callie with a flick of her silky white-blonde hair. Franz or Francis to be exact grunted, not exactly paying attention to her because he was too busy checking out a gorgeous guy in front of him.

That 'gorgeous' guy happened to be his reflection.

"I need to make a spa appointment for tomorrow and I need a full-body massage too." Francis murmured while unconsciously spiking up his blonde locks even more.

Callie suddenly frowned, slightly ruining her perfect doll-like features. She was slightly bummed out because her skin was getting too pale. She usually has those fragile-looking but totally pretty, creamy porcelain skin. But due to the lack of sunlight, her skin got too pale for her liking.

So she decided to go out. With her hot and totally gorgeous boyfriend, Francis Carmichael.


It was a sunny day, a perfect day for tanning on the beach. Callie stepped out of her hot pink BMW and ignored her waiting butler, who happens to be checking her out in her pale pink Tony Blanc sundress that reaches just 2 inches above her knees. Covering her eyes were black Calvin Klein sunglasses. Her recently curled white-blonde hair was in an exclusive-Gucci hair band and she was wearing pink flip flops.

Callie knows she look hot. That was a well-known fact around California. Her mesmerising sky-blue eyes can get her across the continent, her pouty little lips that are begged to be kissed can gain her access to information and of course, her busty boobs and slender form can win over any man. Single or married, young and old.

But fortunately for Francis, the lucky dog, she chose him out of all her much richer suitors. They were just so perfect for each other. With Francis' ever-gorgeous blue eyes that sparkles every time someone compliments him, silky whitish blonde hair, tan skin and gorgeous body he earned from working out everyday.

They just fit so well together and so perfect for each other.

Speaking of the devil and the devil shall appear.

With a flick of his fingers, Francis' own personal bodyguard nodded and went inside his own white Porsche, which was glinting really bright. Probably because of everyday maintenance and cleaning.

He was wearing black silk beach shorts, Adidas flip-flops and no shirt to show off his tan abs.

Callie allowed herself to frown a little. Franz's abs were getting a little floppy and unnoticeable. It doesn't suit him at all. She walked over to him and gave him the usual greeting. A smack-dab kiss on the lips and he he greeted her with a pinch on the butt.

Callie desp__no, hates it when Francis does the butt pinch. It's kind of embarrassing but the others at her school think its hot and sweet. She smiled sweetly at her boyfriend and as if rehearsed, they faced the beach.

The Californian beach scenery was picture perfect, like it was taken from a magazine and pasted right in front of her eyes. At the centre of the beach stood a pink beach umbrella next to a light blue one. The couple linked their hands together and sauntered towards the reserved area just for the two of them.

Francis sat down on his blue beach lounger, not bothering to be a gentleman and help Cassie sit.

Cassie, the grouch that she is, sat down grumpily and pouted.

A minute later and she was still pouting but when Cassie realised that Francis was snoring, she huffed and took of her dress to reveal white as snow skin encased in a pastel pink bikini with straps.

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