Cole Davis

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This happens after the Giant War so obviously they are all 17 and above except for Nico. Percabeth, and Tratie dating!


Cole Davis' POV

Hi I'm Cole, I'm 18 years old and training to be a herbalist with another girl.

Her name is Katie Gardiner.

I laughed when I heard her name because it's pretty ironic how she's a gardener and her last name is 'Gardiner.'

See, I like Katie but I recently found out that the feelings are not mutual. I mean, I'm good-looking enough with light brown hair and green eyes. I also have the affinity for plants meaning I'm good with them, almost as good as Katie but no one can be as good as her.

She recently told me that she has a boyfriend from camp.


Katie mentioned a camp before but I didn't really care 'cause I believe that they just distract you from being healthy and eating nutritious and delicious fruits. Like cereal.

The only flaw that I believe I have is that I'm dyslexic and ADHD but no one knows that, except for my Dad, who is always away and friend, Billy. He's a bit strange but he's good with plants so we hit it off.

Anyway, I'm currently at the movies, watching the Rise of the Guardians (a/n: I haven't seen this movie so I'll just skip the movie parts.) I know, childish but I heard its good. I'm seated on the back row of the cinemas when suddenly, I heard kissing sounds from the left side of the front seat.

Well, isn't this just awkward?

I mean, who would kiss while watching a kids movie? Horny people.

I snuck a look at the couple and blanched at the sight. It was Katie, with a handsome and mischievous looking guy with brown hair and sky blue eyes. Eating each others faces off. She hasn't seen me yet because they were too busy with each other.

I nearly puked all over the already dirty seats. So this is the one she rejected me for.

I took one last regretful look at the couple and left.


Saturday: day off...

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping happily and momentarily felt happy but the feeling washed away when I remembered what happened yesterday.

My one and only crush kissing someone.

With a heavy heart, I fell asleep once again.


I took a look inside the shop and immediately went in. My favorite herbal mix was on sale and I want to buy it.

I said hello to Mabel, the 40 year old cashier and took off towards the shelf with the anti-pest logo.

I was about to get the last green bottle when a girl my age took it.

I was aggravated. Everyone takes everything from me. My mom, my crush, now, my antipest spray!

I wasn't about to let this one go.

I quickly scanned the girl. Waist length black hair and deep purple eyes. She's fairly tall and has a slim built.

She looks...magical.

I was snapped out of my musings when a voice interrupted my stare. 

" Lou, you done yet? I have to buy the new listening device for Travis."

My head snapped towards the voice and my eyes widen. It was the guy from the movies. The one who was kissing Katie!

My eyes moved back and forth towards the magical-looking girl towards the boy, my eyes wide open like an owl. Could he be cheating on Katie? Do I have a chance?

The answer?  

Possibly. Now all I have to do is tell Katie and get evidence.

I quickly took out my iPhone and then took a picture of the oblivious couple who were being mushy-mushy with each other.

I went out and walked home, eager for the possible break-up that's going to happen tomorrow.


Sunday: Work Day

I found Katie busily tending the marigolds inside the greenhouse.  

I grinned happily and adjusted my phone so I can show the picture off to her.

" Katie Kat! I have something to show you!," I yelled, teasingly. Katie Kat is gonna be her nickname when we get together.

She turned her head towards me and I felt my wide smile falter. She wasn't smiling. She was doing the opposite actually.

" Stop calling me that!," she called back with an exasperated tone coating her voice.

I walked over to her, swatting overgrown bushes and stopped next to her.

" I have something to show you, Kate and I think you won't like it."

Then I proceeded to show her my pictures. One of the boy kissing 'Lou's' cheek, him leaning towards her and so many more.

Instead of tears that I expected, her face lit up into a smile something akin to mischief lighting up her eyes.

" Ohh, Connor's been hiding something. Thanks Cole. For the picture. Perfect blackmail, you know."

Then before I can say anything else, she went back to her work, oblivious to my red face.


" Sorry we were late to get you. Been busy at camp. Lots of campers are getting recruited 24/7."

Just then, a man wearing a tweed jacket and smelled like coffee came over to me and Billy, smiling at my red face. I scanned the 'camp' and saw that no one cares that they were looking at a centaur.

" Welcome, Cole Davis, son of Demeter. Billy, show him to Katie for orientation film."


Well that was expected. Not really that much of a story but I'm getting good. It's much longer than the others though. I'm not really sure if Katie's OOC cause she wasn't mention a lot. I know that she's gentle and hate/like Travis.

So, I think you get it. Cole is Katie's brother.

Thanks for the support guys!!






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