Matt and Nancy

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Confession time: I lied. I'm not writing a god meets mortal one, instead, I'm making the normal one but the difference is that they're dead.

Read to find out moreeee!

Thanks for the votes and comments by the way!

Nancy and Matt: Long Time No See....

Switching to Matt and Nancy's POV

Staying here, lined up at the E.Z death line, waiting to be judged, tends to get boring for Nancy after so many years of waiting. But with her dead boyfriend to keep her company, she's good.

You heard right. Dead. The airheads drove Matt's new Porsche car straight into an incoming train and then there was a big bang. Next thing Nancy knew, they were collected by the most beautiful man with dark wings and transported here. The Underworld. At first, she was sad because she wants to end up in heaven but when she learned all about the going-ons of the dead in here, she felt relieved.

On Nancy and Matt's second day here they met few new arrivals. There were atleast 60 of them, running towards the who-the-hell-knows-how-long line. All of them were dressed in armor and some were carrying weapons such as swords, shields, get the point.

Nancy Bobofit watched as the midget, Michael, who welcomed her here, walk up to them, not even worried that his line was taken by Matt Sloan. When Michael was near the soldiers, they started to talk seriously and then suddenly, Michael smiled so wide Nancy feared that it'll break his face. His teeth were straight and too bright.


I was confused but the other armored ones waiting in line surged towards them and started taking up the chant. They were so happy and it's ruining Nancy's mood.

She despises happy and love. She only went out with Matt because of his money, but Sloan thought that she went out with him for his supposed 'looks'. Please...with his small stature, limp black hair and dull brown eyes, she was certain that she could do better but she's stuck with him for who-knows-how long!

Nancy and Matt finally learned all about the Greek and Roman gods after 1 years of staying.

( a/n: they died at age 17)

The gods were true and most of the dead here suffered from one or both of the wars. Matt and Nancy knew that some of them were heroes but come on! They were just probably bragging but they're visual on the dead heroes changed when they met the Ghost King.





That's what all they do. They can't get out off the line or else the large three-headed dog might eat them and Matt doesn't like to be eaten. The dog kinda reminds Nancy of the images from the Greek museum she went to when she was 12.

Matt befriended some of the dead ones including a son of Ares that hates Percy Jackson. Yes. She found out that Percy Jackson was both hated and loved. Nancy understands the hated part but why the loved? He's scrawny and a wimp. Can't even beat her in a fight.

Anyway, I, Nancy, was squatting down the line, Matt in front of me and the scarecrow Roman, Octavian was behind me. The skinny guy died when he accidentally stabbed himself with his own knife. Real pathetic.

I was squatting when suddenly, all of the ghost inline bowed low to their waist and murmur 'My Lord'. Am I finally gonna meet the devil?

I looked up and what I saw nearly me laugh. A kid, no older than 15 was walking down towards the

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