Tristan Jeremiah

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This is my next chaper, obviously. From a friend of Percy's PoV. The normal meet-the-girlfriend story. One-shot. After Last Olympian. No HOO.


'Practice makes perfect. But then again, nobody's perfect. So why practice?'

XxFrom one of my favorite movies.xX

Tristan's POV

"Dude, look at that ass! Isn't it gorgeous?", I asked, dreamily watching Leila Montgomery's butt swing left to right.

My bestfriend, Percy sighed in defeat. He banged his head at the metal lunch table muttering Greek curses. Don't ask me. He's weird that way.

Seriously, I've been worrying about Percy all day. He rejected all the girls that asked him out and recently, he rejected the hottest girl named Leila. She has shiny, platinum blonde hair, I don't care if it's dyed. It's perfect the way it is. She has bright blue eyes and I don't care if it's fake. She's perfect the way she is. Slim figure and tan. Once again, I. Don't. Care.

All I care about is if the great Percy Jackson is gay. I mean, if I have a face as great as his, I would have impregnated half the girls at school. Wind blown black hair that looks naturally and artfully placed, pure sea green eyes that reflects the clear sea and a muscular and tall body. No, I'm not homosexual, I just saw him when we're swimming. All the girl at school admires him because of the looks and personality. He's the only one besides me that is extremely nice and funny. He isn't mean like others.

I decided to ask the question that's been bugging me all day. I turned to face my great BFF and found him. Eating his blue burger. Freak.

" Perce, something's been bugging me lately and I want you to tell me the truth. Do not lie. I'm here for you buddy." I ended my speech with a sympathetic pat on the back. Percy gulped down the whole burger and asked impatiently.

" I know you're gay. I comple__" " WHAT!" I glanced up to see Percy looking down at me incredulously. I know the expression but I refuse to acknowledge it cause that just means he's in-denial.

I calmed him down softly, careful not to attract attention.

" Its okay, I'm___" I was cut off. Again.

"No. Im not gay. I just have a girlfriend so I reject the girls. We're pretty serious right now. I'm even planning on proposing after highschool."

It's my time to stand up. What! I haven't seen his girlfriend. Just the Rachel girl he was friends with before.

" What? I haven't even seen her! How do I know that you have good taste? Is she good? Is she pretty enough? What about her butt?" what? I can't help it. I'm a buttman.

(a/n: hahaha! Buttman, geddit?change the -ut- to -a-)

Percy look furious. But he calmed down. Temper, temper.

" You'll see her this afternoon.

I have very good taste. She's amazing. Gorgeous. And great."

Let's see...


Percy and I hung out outside the school building, waiting for his girlfriend, Annabeth. I'm really really excited to meet the girl. I wonder if she has odd traits like Percy, immatur-ish, loves blue things, speaks Greek, dyslexic, ADHD, and lazy.

My musing were cut off by a car stopping right infront of us. I watch as the window of the blue Prius rolls down and was blown. The girl is gorgeous even if I can't see the eyes because of Rayban

glasses covering them. She has blonde princess curls and was easily classified as tall and fit. Who is this girl?

Suddenly, the door opened and the blonde bombshell step out. That's when Percy surged towards the girl. Wtf? They crushed each others bones muttering in Greek. Oh. Now I know who this girl is. Percy briefly kissed her and introduced the girl to me.

" Annabeth. This is Tristan, Tristan, meet Annabeth."

The blonde, Annabeth smiled at me and decided to take off her sunglasses, revealing grey, almost silver eyes that seem to look in to your soul, like Percy's, which unsettles me a bit.

One thing's for sure.

I changed my mind about the hottest girl. Leila is nothing compared to Percy Jackson's girl.

Please review. Thanks for the reviews and reads.





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