Damien Harper

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Here's my little chapter! Thanks for the reviews and comment(s) by the way. Still not satisfied with my work though. So here it is...

And please, I desperately need suggestions if any of you have one.

Damien Harper: Untouchable Goth.

My obsession started when I was swimming with my new swim captain, Percy. I tried to catch up with him but he's just so damn fast! Part of my brain was thinking that he was part fish or something and the other half was thinking that I'm not going to win. The latter was the pessimistic side of me.

I finally touched the end of the pool and saw Percy sitting there, not even panting. Told you he was part fish.

I'm Damien by the way. A swimmer and school bad boy. Or so they think. I read Bronte sister books, loves sci-fi, but also loves fighting. Yep, that's me! I guess they judge people by the looks cause with my black hair, menacing black eyes, leather jacket and motorcycle, I'm pretty much the cliche image of a bad boy.

I pulled up from the pool in only my swim trunks and saw Percy grinning at me good naturely. At least he isn't a snob. I nodded at him curtly and was about to go to the locker room to change when the door opened with a bang. The guys from the swim team who were talking hushed and looked over at the door as I did.

Standing there was a girl that was definitely my type. Shoulder-length black hair that was spiked at the end, furious electric blue eyes that were rimmed with thick eyeliner, tall and slim figure that was incased in a Death to Barbie t-shirt and a silver parka and long legs that were in skinny jeans. She was also wearing skull earrings, and studs, plus a glowing bracelet. She look furious but hot. And she's heading towards Percy Jackson.

"PERSEUS JACKSON! GET YOUR FAT ASS RIGHT HERE!," some sniggers were heard but they were muffled when Percy-or should I say, Perseus, glared at them then proceeded to go over to the girl.

The girl, scanned the perimeter and saw all the half-naked boys. She muttered something like, Pigs. Then he saw me and suddenly smirked. She put her bracelet clad hands on her chin, pointed and mouthed, 'You're drooling.'

Embarrassing really but just to be sure, I brushed my hand to my chin and surely, I felt something wet. Drool. I blushed and looked away, looking around to see if anybody saw my moment. No one did.

When Percy reached the girl, they started to talk in a different language.

**i don't have a translator so just bear with the English**

'What are you doing here Thals? I thought you were with the Hunt.'

I didn't understand what language it is but the girl looked impatient and was about to explode.

'There's a pack of Cyclops, and Hellhounds outside. The Hunt's outside fighting it out but half of them are already out. Need help. now!'

Percy's eyes widen in panic and the girl's eyes were also wide, reminding Damien of a panda with her thick eyeliner. A very cute and pretty panda.

They didn't see the curious onlookers staring at them but instead pushed past them an went out.

I didn't remember what happened next because I was too busy thinking about the goth girl.


Damien kept asking Percy all about the girl all the time so they started to hang out. He didn't really mind because Percy seem like a good guy.

He learned that the girl's name was Thalia no-last-name, she's 15, Percy's cousin, loves to hunt, adores black and Green Day, Damien's favorites.

They were so alike that Damien started to obsess over her. He drew pictures of her face and waited everyday at school for her to come back.

After a week of waiting, Damien decided to tell Percy about his obsession.

" Perce, is it okay if I ask where Thalia is? I wanted to ask her out."

At first Percy was confused then disbelieved then he bursted out laughing. I was angry. I just liked the girl okay!

He took in my angered expression and sobered up but he was still giggling.

"Dude, shut up or you'll get turned into a jackelope."

I stopped my obsession over the untouchable goth ever since.


Sorry for the sealed thing. Please vote and read cause it really lowers my self esteem that you guys don't like my books. I'm gonna keep this up if I get at least 200 reads and 10 votes at the end of the month.

I don't own PJO just the OC's



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