Chapter 27

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Chapter 27 ~ Peace, Quietness and Wine

Slowly we were getting back into the rhythm of it all and into our new life together. Adjusting to it proved to be a bit of a challenge for both of us. I was trying my best to get along with my father, which has been very difficult and Cheryl…well Cheryl was trying her best to adjust to her new position in the house. I could see that she was struggling. I had visited the servants when she was out of the house to visit her mam. I had a talk to them about the current situation.

It was nearing to the end of the evening. I was sitting in the living room by myself as Cheryl like most others in the house had decided to go to bed. I sat back in the chair, enjoying the warmth that came from the fireplace. Closing my eyes I just listened to the quietness of the room, the only sound that could be heard was that of the burning wood in the fireplace. It was soothing. I had not yet experienced it since returning to the house.

I moved the glass I was holding to my mouth, taking a sip of the red wine. I let it roll in my mouth, savouring the taste.

I let myself get lost in the sound of the fireplace again. My thoughts turned to my father. He had been the topic of many talks. He still is. A smile formed on my face as I thought of how patient Cheryl had been. I sometimes wonder how she put up with me, why she still puts up with me. Moving back had been another emotional happening. Maybe I should get her a little something. Show her how much I love and appreciate her.

The quietness got disturbed as the door opened. I kept my eyes closed as I knew who it would be. I heard her softly move to a chair that was located on the other side of the room. Softly she sat down and kept quiet. After a few minutes she spoke up, a soft voice sounding through the room.   

“I am sorry.”

As I had no intention of talking to her, I kept quiet.

“I never thought it would turn out the way it did. I never thought you would feel so strongly about her.” She paused for a little while. “I did what I did because I wanted to protect you.”

She wanted to protect me…

“I thought she was using you to get higher up, to get your money. I wanted to protect you from any kind of heart ache.”

This is getting good. The person responsible for four months of pain and heartache is now telling me that she wanted to protect me from just that. I could feel the anger in me rising as she continued.

“I thought that daddy would talk some sense into you when you told him. I never expected it to turn out the way it did. You always were the one that could do no wrong in his books, no matter what you did. I never thought he would show you the door.”

She paused again, I could hear the emotions getting the best of her.

“I deeply regret what I did. I know that you are mad at me and you probably won’t forgive me. Just know that I am so sorry for what happened. I can now see how much she actually cares about you and you about her.”

I couldn’t stand to listen to her anymore. My father and I were working on sorting things out, however I had no intention on doing so with her yet. I opened my eyes and looked at my glass. I saw that it wasn’t empty yet. I took it to my mouth and with one big gulp I emptied it. After placing the glass on the table I rose from my chair. I stood up straight, smoothed out my dress and turned to walk to the door, completely ignoring her and her apologies.


Once I had stepped into our room the anger I had felt towards my sister started to fade. I looked at the bed and saw my love. She had rolled herself into the blankets, leaving non for me. I smiled as I softly made my way to the bathroom. I readied myself for bed and walked back into the room. I kneeled down in front of the bed, having a proper look at her sleeping face. The worried expression that had found its way to her face those months ago was now replaced with one of calmth and content. I gently stroked the face of my own angel. Tomorrow I would go to town and get her something to show her how just much she means to me. I got up and made my way over to my side of our bed. Softly I slipped in, moving close to her praying I would be able to get some blankets without waking her. As I gently started to tug the blanket her sleepy voice spoke up.

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