Chapter 10

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Chapter 10  ~  Filling In The Blanks

"Darn…sh!t…Bollocks…” I cursed to myself as I woke up. It was 6.15 in the morning. I had to be downstairs in 15 minutes to help Mrs. Morgan with breakfast and do my house duties. I only had less than two hours of sleep and a very busy day planned. This was going to be a very long, shitty day. I never should have stayed so long in Miss Kimberley’s room. I thought back to last night, instantly changing my thoughts. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.

I dragged myself out of bed and grabbed some clean undergarments and a uniform. I quietly opened the door and made my way through the hall on my way to the bathroom. I had to be quiet as the rest of the house was still fast asleep. 

Once there I went through my morning routine. Before I left I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked how I felt, like sh!t.

I crept down the stairs towards the kitchen. Mrs. Morgan was busy preparing breakfast and morning tea for everyone.   

“Good morning Mrs. Morgan” I said to her, letting her know I had arrived.

“Good morning Cheryl.” She said while turning towards me. “You are looking a bit poorly this morning. Are you feeling all right?”

“Yes madam, I just had a really bad night rest. Other than that I am fine.”

“Poor thing” She said while walking over to me and stroking my hair. “You know what! You just sit there for a while. Do you want a cup of tea? Wake up a little.”

“I would like that.” I said and she pored me a cup.

“There you go sweetheart. Be careful though, the kettle just came from the fire so it is very hot.” 

“Thank you.” I took the cup my hands and warmed them up. I carefully drank it. When I finished it I brought my cup to the sink.

“Thank you for the tea. It worked wonders.” I said to her. It really had woken me up a bit. Which was good. I made my way upstairs, ready to start work for the day.


I was cleaning away the things from the party. It had become quiet a party after all, especially when Miss Kimberley got in the mood. Who knew she had it in her! She was the life of the party with her funny dances and jokes. The thought of her brought a smile back to my face.

I lowered down to sit on my knees and scooped up the dust. We only had a vacuum machine once every 2 weeks. The rest had to be done by hand. It was a real painful on your knees, that I’ll tell you! I don’t really mind though. We have a cleaner that does all the other, heavier stuff.

The door opened. “Cheryl, Mrs. Morgan requires you assistance in the kitchen.” It was Mr. Bass, the footman.

“Of course, right away.” I told him.

I took a look at the clock and saw that it indeed was time to bring round the morning tea. I went to the kitchen to collect the trays. I first went to Lady Lorraine’s room. After that Young Miss Abigail and Young Ralph. His Lordship told James to skip Miss Kimberley this morning. Probably had to do with the large amount of alcohol she consumed last night. We got the orders not to disturb her.

After morning tea and breakfast had passed, I resumed my duties for the day. At 11.30 I couldn’t stand it anymore. Miss Kimberley still hadn’t woken up yet. She normally was a morning person, already awake when morning tea got served. I got a little worried. I checked to see if I was in eyesight of Mr. Thoms and Brass. After seeing that I wasn’t I sneaked away, making my way to Miss Kimberley’s room. Once having reached it, I gently opened the door and I carefully looked into the room. There was no movement coming from the bed. I walked into the room and to her bed. I checked to see how she was doing. The sight warmed my heart. She had kicked her blankets slightly off, grabbed a pillow and clutched it to her chest. She had bed hair and was snoring ever so softly, her lips slightly parted. I grabbed the blanked and gently pulled it over her again. I then moved some of her hair out of her face, still amazed at the softness of it. 

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