Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 ~ The Real World

We have been back for only an hour and already I am longing to touch her body again. How I ever thought I could do this, is beyond me. She ignites a spark in me. What am I saying, she ignites a whole flame sea in me. At this point I am really glad that we had a ‘lay in’ this morning. Imagine what I would be like if we hadn’t. 

“Kimberley! I see you have returned from your trip. How was it sweetheart?” I looked up to see my father standing in the door opening.

“Hello father. What are you doing home? I though you would be at work.”

“I am working at home today. Now tell me, how did your weekend go?”

Here we go. Time to crush the poor man’s heart.

“It was lovely, father.”

“That is good to hear.” The smile grew on his face. “What did you do there?”

Let’s see…forest walk, picnic, dinner in town, horseback riding, Cheryl, Cheryl, …Cheryl, art event, Cheryl, Cheryl.

“Too much to mention. Although I did have fun. The cottage, as its surroundings, was absolutely beautiful. I really enjoyed it.” I smiled at him.

“And…how was Christian?”

There it is.

“Christian… well dad, I’m sorry but I don’t really think it will happen between us. I don’t really feel anything for him. The most I feel after this weekend is friendship.”

“But friendship could lead to more.” He said.

“Father… please.”

The smile left his face. 

“All right...If you have no feelings for him I can’t force you…” He then said. 

“Thank you daddy. Eventually it will happen.” I tried to lift his spirits. “Just let me do so in my own time. I’m over 21. I am old enough to make my own decisions.”

He shot me a sad smile. “All right, my dear.” He went to sit behind his desk. “If you would excuse me now, I really should finish my work. I will see you at the dinner table.”

“All right.” I said. I walked over to him and gave him a kiss on his head. 

I walked out of the room into living room. I found Ralph sitting on the sofa. He had a book in his hand.

“Hey little man.” I said to him. “Come give your big sister a hug. I have missed you!”

“Kimberley!” he called as he threw his book to the side. I closed my arms around him as I gave him a big hug. 

“So, what have you been up to when I was away?” I asked. 

He told me everything he had been doing over the past weekend. He was so cute. His hands waving around as he was telling me things. After his story I looked at the book he was reading before I walked in the room. 

“Are you practising your reading again, Ralphie?” 

“Yes. I am almost just as good as you are Kimba. Want to hear?”

“Of course!” I said as I reached to grab the book. “Come here.” I told him. 

I threw my arm over his shoulder and held him close to my body. Together we started reading. I helped him when he stumbled upon a difficult word. He was really good. I hadn’t expected him to read at this kind of level. 

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