Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 – Changing Point

=~ 3 Months Later ~=

It has been 4 months now since the fall out. Things had defiantly changed for us. Kimberley’s heart had been broken when her father had shown her the door and told her to never return to his house. She cried for weeks and I felt helpless. The woman I loved was breaking apart before my eyes and when I tried to help her she only pushed me away.

We had moved in with my mother and siblings. On one hand I was overjoyed that my family finally got to meet Kimberley, the woman I had fallen madly in love with, but on the other I was ashamed of the state my family was in. Over the years that I had worked I had sent money back home to my mother. This so that she could keep feeding everyone. The state of the house had drastically gotten worse over the years. The years had taken it’s toll on my mother too. Her health being an issue of worry for me.

I desperately tried to break through Kimberley’s walls and when I finally did I was overwhelmed with all the emotions she had been bottling up. We never spoke of her father and sister again after that night. She felt betrayed by both of them. They removed her from her family and never looked back. She had longed to see her brother and grandmother, but as Lady Lorraine was not capable of leaving the house on her own, and her brother too young, they never came.


“Jon, go ask mam if she wants anything to eat.” I said to my younger brother. He stood up from what he had been doing and walked into my mothers bedroom. Now that my mother had been taken ill, Kimberley and I had taken over her duties around the house. Food wasn’t much and in the beginning Kimberley had to get used to it. I had started looking for work but still had not found anything. To keep us fed we used the servants money. Even though there was quite some they had left for us, money was starting to run out as we now had 6 mouths to feed.

My brother came running back to me. I was at the stove preparing something that had to make do for dinner.

“Mam says she doesn’t want anything, Chez.” I gave him a smile. “Thank you for asking. Go play with your brother.”

He left the kitchen and walked into the living room. As he went I heard a loud knock on the door. “Jon, can you open the door please?!” I called to him. I took what I was preparing of the stove and made my way into the living room to see who was at the door.

There in my living room on a make shift chair sat his lordship. I was shocked as he was the last person in the world that I would have expected to see here.

“What can I do for you?” I asked him as he had noticed me entering the room.

“I came to see my daughter.”

I turned to look at my brother. “Jon, go fetch Kimberley.” As the words had left my mouth I turned my head back to his lordship to give him a cold stare. What was he doing here, invading my house. Claiming to want to speak to his daughter. The same daughter he shouted he didn’t have anymore. The same daughter  he had not bothered to contact for over 4 months, leaving her a depressed mess for me to deal with. 

Without a word Jon stood up and made his way to find Kimberley. In the living room his lordship and I continued to stare coldly at each other.

“You send for me, my love?” I heard her tired voice say as she entered the room. The fact that she had just stated her love for me in front of her father made a smile form on my face.

I looked to where she was standing. She stood frozen to the ground at the sight of her father standing there. When she got over the initial shock she opened her mouth to speak.

Chim - Maid For YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora