Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 ~ Pony’s and Wine, The Winning Combination


I can’t remember the last time I have had night rest this good, if I ever had it! I am used to laying in a small bed. A bed which has a thin slice of a sponge, pretending to be a mattress, some sheets, a pillow and blankets. And now here I was. In a very spacious bed, soft as a cloud, surrounded by tons of pillows and laying underneath silk/ satin sheets. The best part of it all was my bed company. I softly turned to my side, careful not to disturb her sleep. This way I could have a proper look at her. She was on her side as well, facing me. Her head resting on one of the pillows, her hair spread out on it. The sunlight that came through the slightly open curtain casted a soft glow on her face. My eyes travelled over her body. One of her arms was clutching a pillow to her chest. My eyes travelled on, taking in the purple nightgown which was draped over her perfect curves. She really had a perfect body. One of her legs visible to me as she apparently got hot during the night and kicked some the blankets of, now trapping it between her legs. My eyes took in her tanned leg and then travelled back over her body to her face once again.

“Perfect” I whispered.

I moved slightly closer to her, wanting to be nearer. Our body’s now only separated by the pillow that she was clutching. I tentatively reached my hand out. Ever so lightly I caressed her hair, brushing it slightly out of her face. My hand dropped to her neck. Softly tracing the lines down with my fingers to her shoulder and over her arm. I ran my fingers softly up and down, carefully not to wake her. I wanted to enjoy this moment a bit longer before the real world started again and I returned to being a maid, serving her in a way that I appointed to serve her, but not how I wanted,  and now longed to serve her every wish. I moved my fingers to her full lips and trance them. Softly touching them. It must have tickled as she jerked her face away from my touch in her sleep. I removed my hand to not disturb her wanting her to stay asleep I little while longer. When I was sure that she was still asleep I placed my arm around her waist, making small circles with me thumb. And that is how we stayed until my beauty started to stir and open her eyes. When I noticed this I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. If she were to questions our pose I will just tell her that it happened ever so innocently in our sleep. She can’t blame me for something I did when I was asleep now can she!

I felt her move as she woke up. I continued to keep my eyes closed, grasping onto every second I could touch her without arousing some kind of suspicion. She stretched out, letting out a little moan. It send tingles down my body. Her arm fell on mine, staying there without moving. I kept my eyes closed and listened to her breathing, waiting for it to fall back into its steady rhythm. Once it had happened I resumed to stroke her back with my thumb and slowly opened my eyes, expecting to see her beautiful face again. I was greeted by her sleepy eyes; they were staring into my own. Having not expected this I immediately stopped the movement on her back, retracting my arm.

“Good morning sleepy head.” She said with a smile. “It looks like you are a cuddle person too.” Indicating our closeness.

“Morning Miss.” I said while hastily turning on my back, avoiding her and her eyes.

“Uh uh! What did we talk about yesterday?”

I remembered the conversation of the night before and corrected myself. “Good morning Kimberley.”

“That’s better.” I heard the smile in her voice. “So, how did you sleep?”

“Very well.” I said while turning my face towards her. Once I did that I instantly regretted it. There laying in front of me was a very sexy looking Miss Kimberley. Her hand propped up under her head, legs still straddling her blankets and her other hand now entwined in a lock of her hair, twisting it around her fingers. Her curves now even more accentuated, if that were possible. Before I could helped myself I let my eyes travel over her body, taking in a sharp breath. The tingle I felt earlier had now brought friends. Loads of them and they all rushed through my body at top speed. 

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