Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 ~ House In Need                  

Gently sun rays were shining through the gap of the curtains, illuminating the room with a soft morning glow. Birds could be heard singing outside my window and the bells of the church signalled the time. I rolled over in bed now laying on my back. Silk and satin caressing my body as my father made sure that only the best was made for his children. A knock sounded through the room.

“Come in.” I called.

“Good morning, Miss. Your morning tea.”

“You are a bit late today, aren’t you?” I said, observing the time.

“I am sorry Miss. It’s just that we are short of a maid as the last one got relieved of her duties. The footman has fallen ill and is in no condition to serve you today. We are working overtime to make sure everything runs smoothly.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. Please instruct the cook to prepare him some chicken soup.” I told him.

“Very well, Miss.” He continued. “Is there something else I can do for you?”

“No that will be all James; you can put the tea on the side table.”

“As you wish, Miss.”

He placed the tray on my bedside table and turned to leave. When he reached the door I called him.

“James! Did you get around waking my sister and brother yet?”

“No Miss. Only your father, grandmother and you.”

“I will wake them for you. You may start preparing the family breakfast.”

“Thank you, miss.”

We needed another maid in this house as the last one was fired for stealing from us. I always try to make sure that the working circumstances in this house are good for them and she turns around and steals from me.

I walk through the hallway on my way to my father who is no doubly in his study. I gently knock on the door and wait for his deep voice to answer.

“Come in.”

As I open the doors I am greeted by him.

“Good morning” He says to me with a smile and I leaned in to give him a hug. “What brings here, my love?”

“Good morning father. I was just wondering if you have had a chance yet to look into the new housemaid matter yet. ” I said. “The staff is shorthanded and in desperate need of some aid.”

“As a matter of fact, I have three application interviews this morning. You are quit welcome to stay and review them if you’d like. After all, she will mostly serve you, your sister and brother.”

“I would like that.” I told him.

“All right! That is settled than. When the applicants arrive I will send James to collect you.”

“Thank you father.” I said and I gave him a hug.

“Will you come and join us for breakfast?”

“In a minute sweetheart. You go ahead. I will be right there.”

I nodded, gave him a little smile. 


When I stepped into the hallway I was greeted by my sister, Abigail, who apparently woke up earlier than she would have liked by the look of it.

“Good morning..” She mumbled.

“Good morning, Abs. Did you sleep well?”

“Like a baby.” She said as she stifled a yawn.

“Is Ralph already downstairs?” I asked her.

“No, he is still asleep.”

“I will fetch him. You go in and have breakfast.”

“All right.”

I climbed the stairs towards my brothers room. I opened the door, stepped over all his toys, and made my way to his bed. I sat down and gently shook his shoulder. After a little while he opened his eyes.

“And how is our little ray of sunshine this morning?”

He smiled at me and leaned in for a hug. “Better now that you are here!”

I smiled as I continued to hug him.

“Ralphie, it is time to get washed and dressed. Father is waiting for us at the breakfast table.” As he let go of me I ruffled his hair a bit.

“You know what.” I told him. “You go and get washed, and I’ll put out some clothes for you to wear.”

As Ralph made his way into the bathroom I took some clothes out of the dresser for him to wear. When he returned I helped him get dressed and together we made our way to the breakfast table.


“Good morning all” I said as we entered the breakfast room. I walked over to where my grandmother was sitting and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Good morning, gran.”

“Good morning, sweetie.”

I took a seat next to her.

“Would you like some tea, miss?” Said James, our butler.

“Yes please.” And he pored.

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