Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 ~ Picking the Maid

“I can’t believe I am late! sh!t, sh!t, sh!t! Damn that bus!” I quickly checked the address I got from the agency. “This should be it.”

I walked towards the servant’s entrance and rang the bell. After a while the door opened and revealed an elderly lady, who by the looks of it was the house cook.

“Yes? ”

“Good morning madam, I got this address from the agency regarding a vacant maid position.”

“Oh yes, do come in! You are a bit on the late side, aren’t you?”

“I had some troubles with the transportation madam.”  I told her.

“Never mind that. Come on, I’ll show you to the waiting area.”

I followed her up the stairs into the main hall.

“Take a seat on the bench, miss. Someone will be with you shortly.”

“Thank you.” I said and I gave her a smile.

I sat nervously on the bench, clutching my sheet of reference to my chest. I looked around. The room was surrounded with all this posh stuff. There were paintings hanging on the wall. I stood up and walked to one of them. It was a painting of two women. One was sitting on a chair and one was standing behind her. Both women looked gorgeous. Their dresses absolutely amazing. I always wanted to own such a beautiful thing, but never had the chance. I looked at some more paintings until I heard a door open. As fast as I could, I ran back to the bench, nearly knocking it over.

When I looked over to the door I saw two men and a girl, another applicant by the looks of it.

“Thanks you for your time. Here is a little something for your trouble.” One of the men said.

“ James, will you escort Miss Lanfort to the door?”

“Of course, Milord.”   

The door once again closed and ‘James’ escorted Miss Lanfort out.

Time for us to do a little inner pep talk.

“All right, this is it! Make a good impression! Sort your clothes out, fix your hair. And please, don’t make a fool out of yourself!” I said to myself.

“Girl, are you ready?” I looked to my left and saw James standing there with a slight smirk on his face. 

I jumped up. So much for not making a fool out of myself…


“What is your name?” James asked me.

“Cheryl. Cheryl Tweedy.”

He nodded at me and opened the door and walked into the room.

“Introducing Cheryl Tweedy.” He said to the two people occupying the room.

He then turned to me and gestured to first the man, than the woman.

“Lord Andrew Walsh and Miss Kimberley Walsh.”

I made a little bow and smiled at them both.

“So girl, can you show me your references?” Lord Walsh asked.

“Of course Milord.” I said and I reached in my pocket.

To my great horror I found out that it was empty. Oh no, It must still be outside on the bench! From when I was tiding up me self! 

“Well?” Lord Walsh said. “Do you have it or not?”

“I did a minute ago..” I let out.

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