Chapter 41

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(Kim's POV)

I saw Leslie slam Short's head into a tree and knocked him out.

I turned to see Diamond smacking Lucy senseless. And grab her leg and twist it around until it snapped.

I heard a scream and saw Ella kick Peter somewhere terrible.

I grabbed the rope from Tory's pack and tied the twins to a tree.

I threw the excess rope aside for later use.

A loud thunk turned and saw Hi's elbow connect with Tony's head via Shelton's view.

Behind me Kobie and Sean were punching and kicking Duncan senseless. He fell to his stomach and was out.

Kenny was still punching Marlo even though he'd been out for a good minute. Must be having fun.

Gourley was hurling Cole through the air like a rag doll, causing him to beak his arm upon impact with the ground.

Now only the big boys to deal with.

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